AlPxny Kfe I have been an ad vocate of the vegetarian diet," she remarked -to me, "but it was not until eight years ago that I "n ,,., fr...,i tuL t started on a diet of raw vegeta7 Do you feel equal to ,-e Weattd ftnits. Since then I havfc at, t i- ; ,r i;-,' ever-known a sick moment I Now, I leave it to you if that. -. .- .. . v., dnin1vfft sand miles between N$w York and. Chicago, that I ws going to tramp along the whole day with her she asked with a twinkle fort wasn't a pretty rough question to put to a man. Cduld I, an ablg- J bodied masculine person in gpod health, be equal to a day's .walk f with a WOMAN? x So I said, 'Oh, yes," in a con fident, superior way and' ... We started, Day had just broken. "One feels so much more re freshed earjy inline morning," , explained Mrs. Beach, as a sort of t v apology to me for starting so" eany. It was raining. The roads were in fearful condition and it seemed every time I took a step I seejmed to sip back half the distance. But ' Mts. Beach didn't seem to mind either that or ,the 50-nifle gale that was blowing into our faces. She swung along with an easy, graceful stride, swinging her crooked caqe sometimes, at oth ers, jabbing it into the soft earth. cofiyincte mv friends and the wtfrld at" large thatsolely 5h a diet of taw foods onecanaccotn-k plish great things. ."Meat eating, in my mind, is the cause of much human tonhap piness. It overtaxes the diges tive organs, brings about afeel- ling of immediate depressiori that is never ieit-oy muse wno cat vegetables and f rtiit, and leads -to sickness. It is a fact that cancer , $ andsother dread diseases are un known among those people who do not eat meat." I welcomed the arrival o'f the automobile carrying Mrs. Beach's maid and man who are accom panying her on the trip. They brpught . her breakfast--orange juice and three prunes. "I never eat anything "uppn starting my journey," Mrs. Beach tpld me 'as we started V(t .- Tins IS WHAT MRS. BEACH EATS: Fruits Apples, oranges, raisins, figs, bananas. Vegetables--Cabbage, onions, dandelions spinach, toma- toes, cucumbers, asparagus. (She flavors all vegetables with chopped onions and adds French dressing.) " "v Cereals Ground wheat, ground oats, ground rice, ground barley. (She flavors this with orange juicer mashed bananas.) i She drinks rieither tea, coffee nor cocoa.but makVs a special brew of wild sose leaves, which she says is very refreshing and J good for the complexion. She sweetens this with honey or maple syrup, never using sugar. - -; m 2 M