-A.WS OF THE dAT CONCERNING CHICAGO 1 slugged by 3 unidentified men oh W. Madison st. car at Robey st this morning. Two policemen re ported to have been on car and r refused aid.' Portion of rear wall old Wal- L dorf "Hotel, 117-119 W. Madison,', now being1 razed, collapsed yes- ' terday, injuring 7 men. g Clarenct Belli, 15, son of Frank. Belli; who was : ecently fined $150 T for selling liquor in Highwood, ' attempted to shoot up town for -revenge. Andrew Lindstrom, laborer, , 2524 S. Harding av., found dead j from asphyxiation. .Accident. George Burger, 32, owner of Superior Hotel, 719 N". Clark, fined $100 and costs, for keeping,, disorderly place. Edna Ballinger, I 22, and Mabel Scott, 28, inmates, fined $5. and costs. Chicago asked to search for Robert, 6, and Urban Nichols, 4, j missing f roni Cincinnati, O.', since April 29, , . t James Monahan, 21, waiter, 416' S. Clark, who identified Robert Schultz a.s man hg saw in front of Jacob Goodman's cigar store, 438 S. Clark, just before GoodmaSi was' shot, set upon and beaten by 5 men, believed to have, been friends of Schultz'. rt Charles Mandelker, 26, 3245 .Douglas blvd., mgr. of GarderfS City Furniture Co., 808 Wellst, freed of charge of receiving money under 'false pretenses. Ar- rested o ncomplaint of Frank O. Gustavson, 4530 Clifton av. Arthur Watts, 2891 E. .Chest- David Cohen, 813-Maxwell st, found dead and wife unconscious Qn kitchen, .floor. ' Asphyxiation. Suicide pact believed. Michael J. Healy,.50, 2249 So. Irgfngave., stabbed and-probably fatally wounded by Susie Poin dexter, at 22nd and State sts., this morning. Said he refused her money when she begged him. .Woman arrested. Morris & Co. to pension em ployes who have reached 65. Lady Clifton Robinson, Lon don,' 'England, society leader, in Chicago for a visit. ' At last night's meeting of the stereotyped in Handel hall, the biggest meeting ever held by that organization, the members voted unanimously to "stand-pat." John Harahan, 60, 3748 Wilcox avev teamster, thrown from seat when Madison st. car hit wagon atfOirtis st. Skull fractured. Car failed to stop. Harahan will die. ' Al McMannus, 3356 Grand ave., found on I. C. tracks at 40 st. Taken to Lakeside htfspital. Sup posed to 'have been struck by train1. ', - 1 Mrs. Bertha Foglestad, 3129 Fullerton w., and-'Mrs. Martha Erickson, 6340 Evans av., twins, will today celebrate their 91st birthday.. Anna'Waugh, 17, ran away from 'Home of Good Shepherd, 112Q Grace st, yesterday. Police -searching for her.- John Hoey, Jr., 28; 711-So. Sac ramento ave., son of Peter Hoey; of Hoey & Richardson, -cigar manufacturers, myst er i o u-s ly . nut st., chauffeur otfauto of J, 5 - I - fHWJ-rfMj.? jfe-... mmmmmammmmaHmmmm