FULL TELEGRAPHIC AND CABLE NEWS SERVICE OF THE UNITED PRESS THE DAY BOOK SOD SO. ?EORIA ST. 398 TEL. MONROE 353 Vol I, No. 208 ChicagcyMonday, May.. 27, 1912 One Cent GENERAL GARMENT WORKERS STRIKE ORDERED -- TROUBLE STARTS AT B. KUPPENHEIMER & CO. Wage Cuts and Unsanitary Conditions Back of the Move Hart, v schaffner & Marx Only Company Notto Be Affected. A general strike- of the 4,000 'union garment workers of Chi cago was ordered early today. . Before nightfall 1,000 were out. By tomorrow morning every great clothing factory and tailor shop in Chicago, except that of Hart, Schaffner & Marx, will be . 'tied tip. The trouble started, at the fac tory of B. Kuppenheimer & Com pany, 423 S. Franklin st , one of the largest clothing factories in the" United States. Only a few weeks ago the fac tory made a substantial cut in the wages of all its employes.' At 10 o'clock this forenoon an other cut in wages was an nounced. Within five minutes, the three hundred trimmers and' cutters in the' Kuppenheimer factory were out on the street. Edward'Anderson.Jpresident of the Cutters' union, called a con ference"xf the'officials of the Gar ment Workers' union,with which the .cutters are affihate'd. The conference did not last long. Since the employing tail-: ors managed to -defeat the union garment workers one year ago,c they have heaped indignities Upon the union men and women. Working conditions have grad ually become mpre and more un sanitary. Union officials have been insulted ; wages have been: cut, and the lives of the men and women who dared to strike to 'try . and better their condition, have been made miserable. So another strike was decided on, and by tomorrow will be ia full swing. The only -great factory that will not be effected will be" that of Hart, Schaffner & Marx. They alone of the great cloth ing and manufacturers have been fair to their workers. T.hey have a special agreement with the union, 'by .which, when ever a dispute arises it is, sub mitted immediately to a non-partisan board of abritration. Hart, Schaffner &-Marx always have abided by the award of the board.