I B Mrs. Frank Worrel, 1916 War ren ave., released from detention hospital by County Judge Owens on petition of her former neigh bors. . Petition says Mrs- Worrell's husband has enslaved her for years, and finally tried to "rail road" her to the asylum. Worrell himself has disappear ed, taking with him their 3-year-old chjld, Virginia. Search for him and the child-has been started Dr. Chas. W. Clark, 301 E. 61st St., denies he was party to aban doning baby of Teresa Schiffy, South Bend, Ind. Says $50 paid him by woman was for profes sional services, and not fee to get rid of baby. Bruno D. Audin, 22, Waupaca, believed he was going to die be fore morning. Came to Chicago. Sent savings to parents in "Italy. Nqw alive, penniless, hungry and cursing his luck. ; Pere Marquette train, bound for Chicago, jumped tracks seven miles east of Michigan City. No one -killed; several injured. Mrs. F. A. Cooley, 4351 N. Hermitage ave., most severely hurt. Nick Borovitch, 18952 Strand St., instantly killed in fall of 90 feet from top of blast furnace at Illinois Steel Co., So. Chicago. Christian Hanbefg, 9028 Esca naba ave., proposed to Miss Viola Quick, in Detroit, over long dis tance telephone andwas accepted. Said le couldn't wait, and letters .were too cold and formal.. - Cases against 13 persons impli cated in disappearance of Cath erine' p.'Brien, 16, 5145 S." State st, dismissed because of faults in warrants. Master Barbers' Association of Chicago all worked up about Baf bers' Supply Dealers' attempt, to uplift the "profession' . " "Barbers is barbers, shaves is shaes," say the Master -Barbers. "Groomers of men ! Bah! Ascag ing! Pooh! Likewise piffle!" The supply dealers wanted to have the barbers referred to "as "groomers of men," and 'shaving as "ascaging," so it "wouldn't sound so vulgar." The .trust '.newspapers have now "discovered'' John C." Heri ning and Attorney Bennett in Canada. Also, they have "discovered" that indictments will be drawn in the Funk-Henning case some time in the future. Wm. A. Paulson attorney and former president or defunct Cen tral Trust & Savings Bank, ar rested on forgery charge. Com plaint of Fred A. Flater, circula tion manager Illinois Staats-Zei-tung. Flater says he sold auto to Paulson, accepting note for $1, 580, signed J. F. Conant. Conant, Milwaukee manufacturer, has re pudiated note. Roosevelt club formed in'Ev anstpn. Rev.'Wm. T. MvElveeh, First Congregational Church, chosen president. Bishop John P. Carroll, Helena, Mont., denounced Socialism in sermon to Ancient Order of Hi bernians, and urged Irish m America to fight it. Bishop CaiTcll' said Socialism V4jttM