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MWmmmmm I found it.caught in the pleats of my skirt I recognized it as yours and sent for you. Of course I saw you near me at the entrance though you didn't condescend to notice me." Now his opal is Ashton's most treasured piece of jewelry, and when anyone says anything about an opal's bringing bad luck to the wearer he affirms stoutly that his has brought him the best possible luck a man could have; but he has never thought it necessary to ex plain to his wife just how he hap pened to lose the opal that day at the theater entrance when she found it. (Copyright, by W. G. Chapman.) o o EUROPEAN 'WAR NEAR. Constantinople, Aug. 24. Eu rope may be plunged in the blood iest war of its history at any time. The birds of prey are hovering over stricken Turkey, waiting to see what they can grab. Austria has invaded Noviba zar. King Nicholas of Montene gro has mobilized his, army and intends to grab Northern Al bania. Czar Ferdinand of Bul garia is -gathering his army to gether to grab Macedonia . And Turkey will fight, and fight hard before the Ottoman Empire ever will be djvided up among the birds of prey, s - The Young Turks and the Government party will forget their differences. The cry of Ma homet will echo through the em pire and blood will flow in rivers. It will not be like the war against Italy. There the cam paign was mostly naval and thef Turks had no fleet. This will be on land and Tur-t key has soldiers. Furthermore, she has soldiers that are amongt the best in the world, as Russia) can sorrowfully testify. Patriotism is already arousedJ The army is being mobilized. Re- cruiting is going on daily. Rival political parties are burying the! hatchet. Turkey will ,not be dis- membered without a fight that: long will be remembered in the history of Europe. o o WEEPS WAY OUT OF FINE. The Examiner saved $25 Frn day ihorning when Henry George, whose real namejs Doug las G. Worthington, was dis- charged in Clark street court by Judge-Going on a charge of car rying concealed weapons. Worthington had the gun" It. was on him when he was arrested, Thursday in a ' saloon at State,r and Polk streets. Worthingtdn sobbed his way out of a fine,' although the ordinance expressly says the minimum fine for carry ing concealed weapons is $25 and costs, with the maximum $200. Worthington, who is 23 years old, told an interesting story. Ac cording to his own words, his past was nothing to brag of. He is from Toronto, Can. Two years ago he was married. Then he be came mvoivea witn anotner woman and his wife left him. He left Toronto and came to Chicago April 25. vWhen he reached nere he had emmamtmmm&!irwmmmmimmmmmmuk ifHriff i.r - ii- i- mmmmamammmmm