was running down Monument mountain skidded, struck rocks and overturned. New York. Robbers took nearly everything of value from home of Wm. J. Flynn, head of TX S. secret service, while he was away on vacation, v Washington Armored cruis er. California, speeding for Pan 'afna, has been ordered to put in at Corinto, Nicaragua. St. Louis. Louis Kuhlenen- gelken's name, which means "Ohj see the angels byNthe lake," hasT been changed to Engelken, which i means "See the angels." "What's the matter, Louis, r aren't they "by the lake" anyt more? Pottsville, Pa. Harry Schrop, miner, and Wm. F. Moiter, labor er, killed, and Edward Yoder probably fatally injured by pre mature explosion of blast in Lincoln colliery. ' JOHN D.ARCHBOLD'S TESTIMONY Once moreHhe shadow of Standard Oil has fallen across the land. - I John D. Archbold, president of the oil trust, yesterday accused an ex-president of the United States of blackmail and extortion. That is what Archbold's testimony on the stand amounts to, when you examine It closely. Archbold swore he gave Treasurer Bliss $100,000 for the Roose velt campaign of 1904. He swore that Bliss told him that Roosevelt knew of and was grateful for this contribution. He swore that Bliss came back and asked for $150,000 at the re quest of Roosevelt. He swore that Bliss then told him he was making a mistake, and intimated that his company would suffer for it. He swore that after Roosevelt was elected he did suffer for it; that Roosevelt began a persecution of the oil trust for no other reason than that the trust had refused him the extra $150,000. If these charges were made against an ex-president who had retired, from public life they would not be of such import to the people. - But they are made against an ex-president who has returned ta public life, who is now the candidate of the most progressive "men and women of the country for the presidency, and therefore they are very important. For these charges are either true, or qlse they are a deliberate attempt to cause the defeat of Theodore Roosevelt and the Pro gressive party in November. Roosevelt has denied the charges. He has made oublic letters; frjttiiiftiuii i.. in w