HER IDEAL HOME By Constance Beatrice Willard "Of course, he is a rich man and it is a.very fine thing for you, Lilith. I do hope you will be hap py, dear," the man's voice faltered slightly. "Why do you speak that way?' the girl asked, her delicate face flushing. "Because I am not quite sure." . "Why not?" her voice was strangs sounding in his ears. "Because, dear, you don't look the part, a happy, joyful bride-to-be." Then there was silence, and the two sat, each waiting for the other to speak, then at last it was the girl who broke the silence which was becoming oppressive. "It is a serious matter, mar riage, especially when a woman is to assume such grave responsi bilities as I," and she stole a look at the man sitting opposite. She had known that face a long time, and recognized its strength, al though it lacked the handsome proportions of the other man. "Yes, I cannot think of you as a stepmother' to two halt-grown children," the man' said, bitterly. "That is riot all' the girl con tinued. "Mr. Ross's position is a prominent one, and socially I will have to help him uphold it." "All women love social promi nence," sneered the man. "Then, too, Jim, the taking charge of a man's happiness is an awful thing. Can I make him happy?" and there was a strange light in the girl's eyes, which the man did not see, for he was look ing intently at the ground. "Unless he wants the world and heaven thrown in, I guess,, you can about do it," Jim said, de jectedly. "Then you think I will make him a good wife?" she a'sked, ab ruptly. "A good wife? Oh, don't Lilith, it stabs me to the heart to hear you speak of yourself as his wife." "Mr. Ross has begged for an early wedding," Lilith said, her eyes also seeking the ground, and the man jumped to his feet. "Ifs awful, Lilith!" he cried. "And yet, Jim, why? He is a man of large means, he loves me and I think will try very hard to make me happy. It is a great .thing for me, an ordinary young girl with no special qualifications to single me out " but he inter rupted her: "Just stop. You are the sweet est and dearest girl a man ever knew, at least that's what Ross evidently thinks," he added, a lit tle lamely. The girl settled back in her chair and let the wind pjay with her soft brown' hair. Her fea tures were delicately cut, her complexion good, denoting - ex cellent health, but aside from her sweet expression she could lay no claims to beauty. It alone, though, made her very attractive, and the young man, watching her with hungry eyes, felt that there never had been such a woman in all the world. For months he had adored her, but he had been afraid to ask her to marry him on ac- " U f L&jjrf ' r tjftgjmft?Ng