OCR Interpretation

The day book. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1911-1917, August 31, 1912, Image 24

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045487/1912-08-31/ed-1/seq-24/

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'Only two persons didn't com
plain. They were,M. de Potence
and M. de Laloi. TJiey hadn't
been robbed. They weren't even
there to sympathize with us It
looked bad. v
The sheriff camte I told him
all I could, including the strange
conduct of the foreigners at the
well during the night He said
they were evidently the thieves,
and he -did not think they were
foreigners at all. His hunch was
that they were the very hold-up
men who halted the bus, and had
come to the hotel after the guests
to gather up anything they over
looked. None of us could say
that was a bad hunch, either.
Especially after M. de Potence's
false chinwhiskers were found in
his room. So that is why he kept
his face in the old oaken bucket
when I found the two 'at the well.
iThat well was considerable clue
to the sheriff, and he investigated
it. Result: He fished out the
missing garments of the victim
ized boarders. The crooks had
'taken them out there to search at
their leisure and then disposed of
them by throwing them into our
water supply.
And all the boarders are going
home at once, because they don't
want to drink from our well any
(The end.)
"The moon is our nearest neigh
bor, astronomically, its mean dis
tance bejng 238,840 miles. Its
diameter is 2,163 miles; surface,
il-13, and volume. 1-49 that of Jthe
earttfr It'totates on'itstaxisoncei
a month, in? precisely,the-same
time.as required for a revolution
around the earth. The IjghCre- ,.
fleeted -is only 1-15 as strong as
earth shine. The atmosphere, is
extremely rare.
Dear ftToon Editor:
The mocm is-round -and hasno
end, . ., ) -
Andalllts mountainsare-of'sand,
I wish I ha'd an airship to ny-
To reach themoon up in thesky
But I know-Twill never.get there,
'Cause I am no milHionaice.
But, oh ! you moonwith your sil
very light, p
Never gave us a chance, to make
love the first night
Gus Girafdi, 4326 Kimball Av. j
, ; 0 O
A wireless fire alarm system
will shortly be.tested bythe5gov
ernment if "the recommendatipn
of certain northwestern -forest
supervisors is adopted to install
stations on high peakfr for the
purpose of reporting suspicious
fires in.forests.

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