OCR Interpretation

The day book. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1911-1917, September 28, 1912, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045487/1912-09-28/ed-1/seq-8/

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soldiers fired upon the'm, and
only Providence, and the poor aim
of the soldiers saved the entire
family from annihilation.
J The whole city is seething with
indignation over the killing and
wounding today.
A committee of citizens have
called upon Gov. Brown for the
most thorough investigation.
The mayor and other officials
are demanding that Gov.' Brown
retract his proclamation of mar
tial law, saying there was no need
for it in the first place.
Arbitration of the strike is be
ings urged by commercial and
civic organizations. So far neither
the company nor the men have ac
cepted any oyertures of the sort,
, livery citizen is being kept
moving today. A proposed "in
dignation meeting" of strikers at
the court house last night was
broken up by the troops.
o o
Lisbon, Sept. 28. The Spanish
cabinet is considering a military
dictatorship if the railroad striken
continues. General Weyler is
mentioned for dictator.
Cerbere, Sept. 28. Strike riots
in Barcelona have resulted in sev
eral deaths. A rigid press censor
ship has been put into, effect.
Gibraltar, Sept 28. Troops
were drafted from several Span
ish ports to Barcelona to break
the railroad, strike. today. The tie
up is so complete they canno't
travel by train.
Paris, Sept 28. Street gather
ings were forbidden in the cities
of Northern Spain because of the
railroad slrike today. 'Soldiers
are running only trains moving.
--Hendaye, France, Sept 28.
The railroad men1 of Spain are an
swering the call for a general
Strike. Thousands are gping out
today. Suspension of the consti
tution is expected at any moment
All press reports are being cen-
' x " 9
The clock struck two.
Draper (interviewing applicant
for post as assistant) Have you
any -knowledge of the silk and
satin department? Applicant
Spent all my life among 'em, sir.
Draper And sheets and blank
ets? Applicant (forcibly) Bora
among 'em, sir.
o o
Used first for the purpose of
raising water, the treadmill is the
invention of the Chinese,
- I

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