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Wr it NEW YORK. BOSTON . . . . 12345678 9R. H. E. .6 1000210 111 16 3 .0 100002 10492 THE DAY BOOK - 500 S. PEORIA ST. 398 TEL. MONROE 353 Vol. 2, No. 15 Chicago, Tuesday, Oct "15, 1912 One Cent jfl THEODORE ROOSEVELT, SHOT BY LUNATIC, RESTING EASILY AT MERCY HOSPITAL Bulletin. "Colonel Roosevelt is resting easily. The bullet wound is irrthe chest wall. It did not strike any vital organ. The point of en and one inch below the level of the right nipple. There is no evi dence that the bullet penetrated the lung. The colonel's tempera ture is 98.8. His pulse is 92. His respiration is normal. General condition2 is hopeful, but. the wound is so serious as to demand absolute rest for a number of days. "John B. Murphy, "Arthur Dean Bevan, "Scurry I. Terrell, "R. G. Sayle." This is the latest bulletin given out by the physicians in attend ance on Col. Roosevelt this afternoon. CoL Theodore Roosevelt is in the Mer9yV Hospital suffering from a bullet wound an the'chest He is resting easily, and, while the wounds serious, he is ex pected to live. Roosevelt -was shot by J6hn Schrank of New York in Milwau kee last night. Schrank is a lunatic. He plead ed guilty to shooting. Roosevelt in the Milwaukee district court today and was bound over to the next term of the municipal court in $5,000 bonds Schrank says that he is npt sorry he shot Roosevelt, and that he only wishes he' had killed him. The latest report from the Mercy Hospital is that Roosevelt is rapidly recovering and that he is sitting up in bed reading a cauley. Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., Ethel Roosevelt and Alice Roosevelt Longworth all are on thehjway here. The shootin gof Roosevelt oc curred in front of the Gilpatrick Hotel, Milwaukee, shortly after S o'clock last night. Roosevelt left the hotel and climbed on the running board of his automobile. He was-starting for the Audi torium Hotel, where he was scheduled to deliver a speech. There was a crowd of thou- . .g. a, . . . f ..t. , , , fll iiftfar ft i mi Mdl iiiMtii laitfTil