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Image provided by: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL
Newspaper Page Text
SSUrwVMiwwy 'Wlflgw'J'TMW'im-,P' IUU' V jiadian bank notes in. the lobby of the Hotel Sherman. Turned it over to the clerk, H. McLaugh lin, Toronto, Can., found ta be owner. j "Fake" phone man stole gold watch valued at $50 and purse containing $35 in home of Mrs. F. F. Douglas, 6 21 Yale av. Es caped. ' Joseph Mazurka, 65' W. 21st (st, fined $100 and" costs' for beat ing his wife. Andrew Smirley ,4201 Cottage Grove av., arrested on 'complaint of Mrs. Harriet Schaafr4303 Cot .tage Grove av., who says, he in sisted on putting'Kis arms around Tier on the street-' Fined $50 and costs. -' i Miss Mary Tobin, 27, went to visit Mrs. E. Brookman, 2839 Col orado av. Mrs Brookman went to store. Came back and found Miss Tobin dead. Gas. Suicide. Mrs. Jeannette Gerbig, 1759 W. Madison st., seriously injured when street car started while she was alighting at Wood and Mad ison sts. Chas. Berger, 61 E. 21st st, fined $50 and costs for conduct ing gambling house at above ad dress. Harry Meyers, 329 E. 51st st, and Joe Meyers, 2104 S. Mich igan av., fined $1 and costs as in mates. Joseph Koskopf, 2940 N. Oak ley av., fell from his wagon. Run over. Died. -MAKING A SAFE BET 3 I - ' w neets ' Turfite Is "Spavin Belle" fit former raceway ?' '' "Jockey Never fitter. N "'', Turfite Isshe still lame? Jockey Crippled is the word. , Turfite Have you given her plenty of dope besides ? ' Jockey Laudanum twice. Turfite And-letTier drink all the water he can hold? Jockey Yep she will be slower thana three-wheeled hearse. ,. Turfite All right then I guess it will be safe to bet on that porse. Sfc&t