'AN AD-LESS NEWSPAPER ALL THE NEWS IN TABLOID FORM-BIG TYPE EASY TO READ THE DAY BOOK 5Q0 SO. PEORIA ST. 398 TEL. MONROE 3S3 fr VOL,2,N0.56 Chicago, Tuesday,, Dec. &1912" ' ONE CENT WHAT THE CHICAGO VICE COMMISSION SAYS OF THE ECONOMIC SIDE OF VIGE A Valuable Pointer foe 11 Reformers Who Want to , Eliminate Vice anb Crime and" Make the World Petfer. " ? -- Delegates representing 32 Protestant denominationSjajid about 17,000,000 nierabers are, in' session in Chicago. Aniong other things, they will disquss socialservicp. " ' ' . j There, will be many preachers present; and doubtless ( many of them have'taken part in- so-cajled anti-vice crusades' 7 ' Just now such a crusade js supposed to be?goingonin Ghicago, although you don't hear much about it, except thatHhirty odd Re form clubs and societies have banded together to'figKt viceHn 'gen el al and segregated vice in particular. ' f l One trouble with these crusades is that they don't gd at the cause of vice, and crime, but do spend most" of their time? passing resolutions against the effect. J ' i f . " ' ' One of the causes starvation wages wages so low that-it is a terrible struggle for girls to liv&decentlyc A'n1 thiis.the cause the reformers don't tackle at all -, t K t For the information of the delegates to the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America now in sesian a the Hotel LaSalfe, The Day Book herewith republishes ,fronj the: official Eh'i easro. Vice Reoort. what the eminent men -and women 'dir the Chk pago Vice Commission had to say on this subject: "Theljfe of an unprotected jjirl lishments. "who tries to make a living m a "If shee1 living dt heme, great city is full of .torturing where file, 'mother jajkd t sister temptations. First, she faceshe could help her with mending, sew problem of living on an inade kjg and washing, Where her board quate wage. Six dollars a week is would be small-r-perhaps eniy a the average in mercantile estab-1 dollar or two toward the burden