set. But the wealthiest hostesses are proud to entertain Sarah Bernhardt. Why? Because she is the world's greatest actress? No ! She might still be the great est actress, but if she pulled down $18 a week the doors of the rich and great would be slammed in her face. "Why, I want to know, if this rule applies to people in general, does it not apply to pugilists in particular? A champion of the world must have talent. Once champion, he gets the money. Why does he not move in so ciety? "Let me elaborate the point further. If railroad presidents got $2 a day, there would be plen ty of section-hands willing to take the job of the present head of the Chicago & Milwaukee. But if railroad presidents got $2 a day, their duties would be com mensurate with their pay. "Within your recollection and mine men fought for the price of beer and beans. "But the requirements of pug ilism increased with the size. of the purses. Young men began to study the art and its applied branches physical culture, an atomy, and so on. "If I may say without seeming to boast," and here Mr. Corbett's brashes were hidden by the rouge, "I was one of the very first to discover that a man needed, not only brawn and courage, but brains as well, to succeed in the ring. "One must think! An actor memorizing a part has plenty of time for thinking. A business man even a risk-taking captain of frenzied finance has five min utes, at the very least, in which to make up his mind as to the next move in the game. "But the world's champion, fighting desperately to retain his title, bone-tired, his wind gone, i his brain a whirl, must think. Not for an hour, not for five min utes, or one minute, or even one second. He must do all his thinking in a 20th part of a sec ond. "But if he thinks wrong, he is a has-been and a failure. "In what department of busi ness, or science, or art, or sport, is the need of rapid and accurate thinking so great? "Therefore, I tell you that the day is coming and we will see it when the champions of the roped arena will be intellectual as well as physical giants. They will have the bodies of a Jeffries and the minds of an Edison or a Maxim or a Lombroso. They will be as proud of their bulging' brows as of their chest measure ment. "And society will be compelled to accept these champions on equal terms, just as it now ac cepts the corporation lawyers, and the railroad presidents, and the successful artists and actors. For, to go .back to my original contention, aristocracy is based on dollars, and talent gets the money every time. "And now," concluded Mr. Cor bett, "I must ask you to excuse me. I go on next"