OCR Interpretation

The day book. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1911-1917, May 03, 1913, NOON EDITION, Image 15

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045487/1913-05-03/ed-1/seq-15/

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q. pass on, -while we chatted in his
tfc IressingroomatthebigPatheFreres
ffj plant over in Hoboken.
"The duplex exposure is a double
.a exposure, of course," said Wilbur. "It
j) takes a great deal of time to make
a I a picture in this way. Its purpose is
parts in he same picture. So you see
I can be a Jekyll and Hyde, both, in
a picture play by using the duplex
"A recent picture in which I played,
in two totally different parts, is 'The
Compact One film is blocked out.
That means, you see, that an actor
who undertakes to play a part with
himself must confine all his gestures
and movements to half the space or
dinarily allotted to him.
When the first part has been com
pleted and the Jim blocked out, the
second part is played and taken on
the other half of the film. You will
see that it is absolutely essential to
play the scenes in exactly the same
time and make the gestures and
actions of both parts dovetail per
fectly to get the effect
'T have had the satisfaction of go
ing into a theater where one of these
duplex pictures was being shown, and
hearing people in the audience say:
'I "wonder who that other fellow -is
playing with Wilbur?' That was all
r could have asked. Work pays when
you get that kind of a comment"
o o--
Opening a lock with a strain of
music is the newest application of
the theory of vibrations to the prac
tical things of the world. A London
electrician is responsible for this
newest development of science and
mechanics, and if he is successful
in putting his work before the pub
lic there will soon come a time when
latchkeys will be discarded and every
door will open when it hears its "mas
ter's voice."
Almost every one has noticed the
effect of a certain note of the piano
or the flute on the chandelier or other
metal object in a room that could
give forth a sound. All sound is caus
ed by vibration, and when a current
of air set vibrating by one thing
strikes another that can set up exact
ly the same-kihd of vibrations that
is, in other words, tuned to the same
sound that other thing is sure to be
set going.
That is the principle of the new
lock. An electro-magnet is used by
which a current is sent through a
circuit that iscompleted when a pi
ano wire is set vibrating by a given
note and in vibrating touches a plati
num point This wire can be tuned to
any note it is desired to use. The
minute that note is sounded the wire
vibrates,, completes the electric cir
cuit and the magnet draws the bolt
from the lock. The inventor claims
the lock can be placed on doors,
safes, vaults, anywhere, in fact, that
locks are needed.
If these locks come into general
use a burglar will discard the usual
assortment of screwdrivers, jimmies
and drills and will supply himself, in
stead, with a set of tuning forks and
pitch pipes.
The main -who stays out late at
night will only have to remember to
whistle a certain tune on approach
ing his door, instead of fumbling
about for a key and painfully insert
ing it in a very small keyhole. And
the tune used to open the door can
be changed every night by rearrang-.
ing the pitch of the piano wires.
A combination lock can be made
by having a number of bolts on the
door controlled by a number of wires,
each of which is tuned to a different
note and must therefore, be played
upon separately.
o o
Losing one's temper means losing
peace of spirit losing clearness of
thought, losing grasp of the situation,
and usually losing the respect of by
standers. Yet some foolish people
speak of "only losing one's tempet"
as if it were nothing.

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