wemmmwmmm'9mmmBm "Give me that grip again," he said, f and Blake, all against the fraternity rules, delivered it "My fault," he acknowledged. "You got your thumb crossed in the wrong place. It must have been my gout had made me imagine Well, young fellow, maybe I'll let you keep your job." "And how about Miss Fagan?" in quired the other. "Muriel? My daughter! I'll see you I er now don't cry, Mollie, dear. J guess she goes with the job." (Copyright by W. G. Chapman.) o o DIARY OF FATHER TIME The following method of conduct ing an auction was very popular about 200 years ago, and even quite lately the "Sale by Candle" has been seen in France. The auctioneer was provided with a number of small wax tapers, each capable of burning about five minutes. As soon as a bid was made one of these tapers was placed in full view of all inter ested parties and lighted. If before the flame expired another bid was offered, it was immediately extin guished and a fresh taper placed in its stead, and so on until one flickers and dies out of itself, when the last bid becomes irrevocable. The custom of selling by candle was once prevalent in England. Pepys refers in his diary to this in in the following extract: "Sept 3, 1662: After dinner we met and sold the Waymouth, Suc cess and Fellowship hulks, when pleasant to see how backward men are at first to bid, and, yet, when the candle is going out, how they bawl and dispute afterward who bid the most first And here I observed one man cunninger than the rest, that was sure to bid the last man, and to carry it, and, inquiring the reason, he told me that just as the flame goes out the smoke descends, which is a thing I never observed before, and by that he do know the instant when to bid last" HOW ,TIME DRAGS By Berton Braley. Swimmin' hole is gettin.' warm, An' on Uncle William's farm Hay will soon be growin' high An' they'll mow it bye an' bye, Stack it up an' then we'll play, Roll an' jump around in hay. School days will be over soon: Long the early part o' June We will leave the school an' all Done an' finished till the fall: i No more lessons we must learn, No more pages we must turn. We'll have time, an' time to burn', Time f er swimmin' an' f er races, Time fer findin' hidin' places In the woods, an' diggin' caves, Time fer playjn' Injun Braves; Time fer mitt an' ball an' bat An' fer playing Two 01' Cat Gee, but ain't it simply great Jimminee! It's hard to wait ' Time moves awful, awful slow, Days don't never seem 'to go. -An' I fairly want to shout, "Gosh! I wish that school was ou't!" o o PINEAPPLE PARINGS J- When trimming a pineapple for jam or canning drop the peeling into warm water for about five minutes. Drain and put into saucepan "with cold water enough to cover. Simmer one-half hour. Strain through thin cloth and add one cup of sugar to two cups of water and boil until it is as thick as cream. Cool and bottle. This is fine for nuddintr sauces. and added to any ice drink will im prove its flavor. o o At the age of seventy-four aMafes achusetts woman has- takqn out a patent for a sleeve valve engine. She patented her first Invention at the age of twelve. o o The largest GoKath beetle, found in Africa, Is goliathus giganteus; reach ing a length of 3 inches. r-i