g m 'we acquire the reality. We are not satisfied with the simple necessities of life; indeed things which were thought luxurious"by our fathers and mothers have "become necessities to us. The man who longs for something outside the limits of his daily life and proceeds to get it is extravagant. He was satisfied with what he had until he knew better. It has been said that the laborer wants the best cuts of beef; he wants his children to wear- good clothes. This is natural. He has gained knowledge he knows wht these things mean. He knows they are good. We insist upon having our milk brought to us in bottles that are hygienically treated and sealed, be cause we have learned Hhat death lurks in helfilth'-which was accumu lated by the old methods of distribu tion. The uncleanly can, the dirty measuring-dipper and, last of all, the pitcher that had been left outside all night to collect Jhe germs these had to go before the general knowledge of their menace, to be replaced by the most sanitary equipment. Of course, this lis as it should he, but it necessarily adds to the cost of the milk; someone must pay for the time and trouble. In every department of life this same improved condition of living ob tains. Not only do we all want hy gienic foqd, but we want the best food. We all want the best literature, the best art; we all want the best homes and clothes of which we have, knewledge. We are setting this standard higher and higher simply because each year we are learning that there are higher standards of which we now do not dream. Look back over your lives during the past ten years and try to think of one thing you had then that would satisfy you now certainly not the simple clothes, nor the simple food, nor the simple friends. You will find you have retained only the friends who have grown with you; others have been left behind they bore you. Because there is no limit to knowl edge, there will be no limit to desire in the human heart; consequently, extravagance is bound to grow more and more with the whole people, and the only disadvantage in this s when desire for the trivial outweighs the power and desire to produce the real ity. SMITH STUCK TO IT While New York was joyously cele brating the marvelous progress in navigation following the launching of Fulton's "Clermont," one of the most influential men in the history of steamships, justly called the father of Transatlantic steam navigation, re ceived not a word of commendation. His name was Junius Smith, he was born in Connecticut, and received the degree of L.L.D. from Yale College. For thirty-one years after the "Cler mont" steamed up the Hudson river little steam craft plied along the rivers and occasionally along the coasts. Junius Smith conceived the ideathat a steamship could cross the ocean. It was met with derision. The most learned men of the day 'agreed that it was ridiculous to suppose that steam, however practical it might be in pushing a little craft from one river port to another, could propel an ocean-going vessel against the ter rible storms that swept the Atlantic". Smith endeavored to charter a vessel without success. He tried to organize a company, but not a single share of stock was. subscribed. It took six years of untiring effort be fore the idea of the ybung American was realized and the "Sirius" in 1838 proceeded from the harbor of Cork, for America, or, as the newspapersof ' the day had it, "to its destruction." The Sirius, nineteen days later, steamed into New York harbor safe and sound and the era of Transatlan tic navigation by steam was, begun. r' mgmmmmmammllmmtm