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T JACKCOOMBS;hCRIED IN HOSPITAL BECAUSE HE COULDN'T. GET INTO BIG GAMES THE DAY BOOK , v - Ah Adless Daily Newspaper. N.K Coctiran, rXm Te1, Monroe 353: J Editor, and Publisher. Automatic 51-422. 600 South Peoria-'St. 39S Byjtfail, 50 Cents a Month. VOL. 3, NO. 9r Chicago, Wednesday, Oct: 8, 1913 ONE CENT A HEROINE WHOSE NAME IS NOT FOUND IN THE SOCIETY COLUMNS Annie Clemenc, an American Joan of Arc, WHoWas Arrested at Calumet and Lodged in a Michigan fc Jail for Fighting for Liberty. bV N. D. COCHRAN . . x The 'news dispatches-tell of the arrest-of Annie Clemenc, leader lot the women- strike sympathizers at Calumet, .Michigan tthe woman who 'has carried the American flag at the .head of the striking miners-daily parade". But that doesn't tell very much. It doesn't tell the story of Annie Clemenc' The 'name means "nothing to you who read the mere statement that Annie Clemenc was:arrested. - . ' - But I have met Annie Clemenc. hI have talked with her. I have seen her inarching along the middle of the street, carrying that great, American flag. It is a silk flag. The staff 'must; be fully two inches Jhlck. When I, read, that Annie Clemenc. has been arrested I think of the dirty little jail in Calumet And I think, of Joan of Arc and the Goddess Of Lib erty. Then I think of the notable women I have seemin New'York; in San Franciscovin Chicago .and in -Washington-' Early one-morning I trudged along the-road, walking at one side with Moyer, president of the WesternJEederationot Minersr as the parade went from Red Jacket to Lauriumiand back. Women were in v front miners wives, miners'', daughters and Annie Clemenc, heroine, marched with" them anof carried the flag: . r " ' Annie Clemenc is a miner'wife. A Creation,- she was bom in this & te . -