Sit'iM-i t - - - -- - --?3 of women and children in the first lifeboat. She saw him climb into the boat, and she saw the boat lowered to the water. "- - Then she saw the lavage arms of the sea dash the cockleshell, with its human cargo, against the side of the sinking ship. She saw human forms -o- struggling for a moment in the waves and then sink. Among them was her heroic young husband! Capt. Inch, of the Volturno , in paying a tribute to First Officer Mil ler, for his heroism, said that the young man delighted in playing with emigrant children. This photograph shows him doing this. o- WOMEN WON'T HAVE TO ASK THEIR "HUBBIES" HOW TO VOTE NOT IF THEY GO TO "SCHOOL" Do the women in your neighbor hood lcnow how to register and vote? Could they walk up to the polls and cast their ballots if they had the fran chise? If not, organize a class and teach them. This is the practical plan of wide awake Illinois women who propose, in the next three months to make the business of voting as easy and familiar to every woman in the whole state as it is to order her groceries! Regardless of trade, position or politics, this state-wide campaign to prepare women voters for the next election has been inaugurated. The learn-how-to-cast-your-ballot movement is already well under way right here in Chicago. Scores of classes are organized in various parts of the city where com petent instructors women take their pupils through the whole pro cess of registering and" voting. Hundreds of women attend these classes, which are held everyday un der the direction of suffrage"brgan izations, pohtical parties, women's club organizations, women's unions, etc. The first class was started by the election commissioners. Women in structors may be found 1n the com missioners' office at city hall any time during the day or evening. When ever a group of women come in, whatever the time of day, they can have a class. ALL classes of women are taking the trouble to attend! j Mrs. Grace Wilbur Trout, who is organizing classes all over the state. In one week in the election com missioners' office there were women from the stenographers' union, the Italian woman's suffrage organiza tion, the Woman's City Club, the' Illi nois Women's Democratic Club, the Waitresses' Union, the Glovemakers' union, the Switchmen's Wives, the Austin Mothers' Club and any num ber iof suffrage organizations besides. ggfX-'V naijsMaek&i4i