K In .Majsel., his .$18,00Q -beauty, Chance -lias one of the 'best-lodkjrg youngsters that ever played third base; Maisel fields brilliantly and he certainly can hit; then there is Jack Knight, "the elongated infielder who was dragged ba6k-.from the Inter national League; Williams, the big first baseman; Roily Zeider, one of the most valuable infielders in the league, a daring baserunner and a hard, timely hitter; Prankie Gil hooley, the sensational outfielder; Hbfden and Whitman, both outfield ers who were tried out this fall. But it is the pitching department that Chance has done welL First he uncovered Keating, the wonderful spitball pitcher; in the draft, from the American Association, he drew "King" Cole, for whom Columbus refused his offer of $12,000 earlier in the season. Chance brought Cole into the big league when he was pilot of the Cubs. Cole is glad to go to Chance again. Cole was a bear in the A. A. last season and the experience should make him more valuable to Chance. From the Houston, Tex., club, Chance secured "Dode" Criss and Charley Rose, the best pitchers in the Texas League. Criss' chief pitching fault was lack of control. He could wing a ball across the pan like Rusie, but he sel dom knew where it would land. Criss started ball playing at Corsiciana, Tex., eight years ago. When he was let go by the Browns, after his arm went lame, he went to the Houston team and last year won 14 games. This year he was the best pitcher in the leaguevand his speed, plus the control he discovered somew.here on the sun-cured prairies, promises to make him a-valuable man for Chance. Charley Rose has been with Hous ton five years and hails from Mis souri. In. 1911 he was sold to the Browns, but was returned before- the training season ended. Rose is a lit tle chap, weighing scarcely 150, but his pitching is uncanny. Outside of Criss, he was the best pitcher in the Texas League this .year, arid his wfri nmg"21 games out of 27 makes him look, genuine. He is 5 feet 9 and I only 23. Otto Sens, president of the Houston club, expects Rose back next spring, having an idea the little fellow is a Class A pitcher at best. r Rose is a lefthander and is noted for making the runners stick close to the bags. He made monkeys of the Giants last spring wnen they -tried to run wild on. him and his half-balk motion is said to fool the best sack pilferers in the business. i Chance may" also land Jimmy Walsh, Athletic outfielder. The Yanks released Claude Derrick to BaltimoTe so Connie Mack could keep a string on him, and it is certain Chance was promised a player from the Athletics in return for this favor. Walsh is a fast outfielder, and wields a stout bat. I - --o o DID HIS BEST "A woman came into the hospital the other day, and she was so cross eyed that the tears ran down her back." "You couldn't do anything for her, could you?" "Yes; we treated her for bacteria." , Musical apparatus is contained within the handle of-a new fan to play a tune as the fan is used. W&. zzzsMmmmmmma