OCR Interpretation

The day book. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1911-1917, November 06, 1913, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045487/1913-11-06/ed-1/seq-2/

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transportation of mail.
The motormen and conductors
have beeil trying for the past few
months to get the traction company
to consider their demand for higher
wages, shorter hours, recognition of
the union and future arbitration of
differences, but the company refused
to consider they had any differences.
Last August motormen and con
ductors operating out of Indianapolis
went on a strike, but It failed.
there is nothing to arbitrate and evidently intend, with the aid of the state
militia, to carry on the strike until such time as the men weaken. The first
militia companies sent out on strike duty probably will ga to the car barns
and guard the 250 strikebreakers.
Though the interurban trainmen did not respond to the strike order,
the violence that greeted he appearance of interurban cars suspended traf
fic on the most extensive system of interurbans in the world.
Many auto owners have hired out their cars since the street cars
stopped running. They have charged from ten to fifty cents p"er individual
for rides to and from work. Besides
automobiles, every other manner of
vehicle has been pressed into service,
except street cars. Thefts of autos
have increased during the tie-up.
Rumors of a sympathetic strike
among chauffeurs and teamsters are
denied by union officials. However,
a large number of men are tempor
arily out of employment with no
faculties for going to and from work.
Organized labor made a protest to
Gov. Ralston against the militia call,
but it had no effect. Todd, president
of the traction company, says the
company will run its cars as soon
as rioting is quelled and that rioting
must be settled by the militia.
Governor Ralston, fearing riots,
has ordered that not a uniformed
man shall be put on the streets until
a large number of troops are on hand.
Out-of-town companies win remain
on their special trains until all is in
readiness for their invasion.
Many.-Qf the militiamen refused to
report for strike duty, and others
cast about for excuses to avoid it.
Out-of-town companies also reported
similar trouble.
Ethelbert Stewart, special govern
ment investigator sent here by the
Department of Labor, reported there
is no immediate prospect of settle
ment of the strike.
Second Assistant General Stewart
has issued orders from Washington
to the postal authorities here that
they are to inaugurate temporary
mail service and in no case to per
mit the mails to become congested.
A report has been sent to him that
the strike had made impossible the
operation of street cars upon which
the department depends for the
Oskaloosa, la., Nov. 6. A mob of
strike sympathizers stoned street car
last night and passengers were forced
to alight and walk. This is the first
riot in connection with the strike of
fifty street car men in progress for
ten days. No one was injured, and
strikers deny any connection with
the affair. Cars are being run by
Washington, Nov. 6. "Mother"
Mary Jones declared today that a na
tional strike of coal miners will be
called "unless the mining interests of
Colorado stop the gatling-gun rule
and the ruthless slaughter of men,
women and children." She said that
all Colorado is Guilder' the spell of
John D. Rockefeller, and miners must
submit to trial before sewer rats in
the guise of judges."
"Constable, there's a fight soine: on
'round the corner to the right."
"Thank you, sir! I'll do as much for
you some day, sir!" said the police
man gratefully, as he took the turn
ing to the left and disappeared.
UdMJMrta-V,i frhaMfSi'

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