CHIEF INSPECTOR R. J. KNIGHT MAKES SOME 4 SENSATIONAL WHITE SLAVE CHARGES Charges that white slave recruiting stations were allowed to run in the guise of employment agencies during Former Gov. Deneen's regime are made by the new chief inspector, Richard J. Knight. Knight recently filed charges against four of the old deputy inspectors, Tony Blasi, Hector Durante, Charles Vavirek and W. B. Page. They are charged with knowing that certain agencies were violating the law, but tolerated these conditions. "I suspended these inspectors and filed charges against them because they were, at least, guilty of neglect of duty," said Knight. "They not only allowed some agencies to run without licenses, but allowed the sending qt girls to houses of ill-fame. Since I have been in office they have constantly tipped off these agents to my plans. "There are several theatrical agencies in this city tliat were used to catch young girls and lead them into immoral lives. But there were other kinds of agencies started for practically the same purpose. "Two girls applied for work at the Sophie Prendota agency, 849 Mil waukee avenue. They stopped there that night with several other girls. Men came there during the evening with automobiles to take the girls out. "Foreign girls are the worst sufferers. The Greek restaurant owners do all their hiring through these shady agents. When they go to the agency they look over some young girl and then take her into a room to question her. "In he room with the girl alone they make advances to her. They invite her out for a good time. The job is used as the lure. Unless she is willing to go out with them they are not hired. Once they go out their ruination is complete. "The Baker Booking Exchange, 219 S. Dearborn street, was permitted to run as a theatrical agency until the United States got after them under the Mann White Slave act on a charge of sending Emillie Waite, a singer, to a house of ill-fame in New Orleans. "The department of which I am inspector was created just to stop such practices. And it s up to the inspec tors to turn in reports. But the four I suspended wouldn't. I am confident they knew about it. "It is commonly known that there are some agencies which se'nd young girls to work as maids in houses of ill-fame. "There are also other charges against these four men. Durante, though being paid to devote bis en tire time to his job, spent six hours a day &t a printing shop of which he is owner. He worked two hours a day for the state and for this drew $1,500 a year and expenses. "Vavirek had badges made for 50 cents apiece and sold them to agen cies for $2.75 apiece. One of the agents to'ok him to the country every summer and bought him clothes, etc. "The habits of the employment agentsi were illustrated when I first took office. We were all offered bribes. One man offered me $100 a month if I would let things continue as they formerly had. My Polish in spector has been offered money sev eral times. "There are charges of immorality against Blasi. Miss Mary Bleiksser, 1114 Milwaukee avenue, whose li cense was revoked Aug. 18, 1910, ac cused Blasi of immoral conduct and improper attentions. The matter was brought before William H. Cru den, then chief inspector, but her complaint4 was sidetracked and for daring to make the charge she lost