OCR Interpretation

The day book. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1911-1917, February 02, 1914, NOON EDITION, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045487/1914-02-02/ed-1/seq-4/

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Laura Felker, 18, to Milwaukee. Cary
has wife and three children here.
John Myda, 460S Bishop st., shot
in shoulder. Assailant unknown.
Frank Brovett, 28, and, Christine
' Silavec, 28, asphyxiated at WOO Wells
st. Blew out gas.
Saloon of Peter Kline, 853 Rush st.,
held up. Robbers got $36. Overlook
ed $300.
Mrs. Jennie Gilson, 1621 N. Pau
lina av., died suddenly. Coroner in
vestigating. Fred Johnson, 1811 Lake st., alleg
ed highwayman, shot by Policeman
Walter Copeland. Arm broken.
Teachers of Oak Park schools plan"
pension fundi Suggest $400 pension
after 25 years' service.
John Gordon, 22, 2701 Archer av.,
and Catherine Schmidtmeyer, 17, La
porte, Ind., arrested. Man held for
contributing to girl's delinquency.
Federal inquiry in "Sol" Lewinsohn
investigation may he finished today..
Morals squadswept South Chicago.
Three dives raided. Nine arrested.
Dancing teachers want uplift
movement. But students wiggle in
spite of complaints.
Judge Olsen wants defectives
watched and immoral isolated as
check to" vice.
Screeching parrots spread fire
alarm at Commercial Bldg., 301 W.
Madison st. Damage $15,000.
o o
An invitation to the Church Fed
eration to come to its next meeting
and "learn something of applied
Christianity" was issued yesterday
by the "Chicago Federation of Labor.
This was the drift of a resolution
passed yesterday by the labor body.
Added, to it was an amendment em
bracing a speech by Fred Hopp, finan
cial secretary, in which he called at
tention to the fact that the Church
Publishing Company, which printed
a great deal of the "Go-To-Church
Sunday" literature, was being prose
cuted by State Factory Inspector Os
car F. Nelson for violation of the
child labor law.
The action on the Church Federa
tion followed the receipt of a com
munication from that body urging
the members of the labor body to co
operate in making "Go-To-Church
Sunday" a success.
There were several speeches rela
tive to the communication. Many
speakers spoke of the abuse of the
Golden Rule in the modern churches.
One declared the best sermon he ever
heard was preached by a speaker at
a meeting of the Chicago Federa
tion of Labor.
The federation also decided to re
main absolutely non-partisan in the
coming election and for this reason
voted to indorse no candidates,
whether they were members of a laV
bor union or otherwise.
There was considerable discussion
on a resolution to abolish free lunch
offered by the Chicago Cooks' and
Pastry Cooks' Union. The resolution
branded free lunch as unsanitary.
The cooks also asserted that free
lunch was prepared by scabs. John
C. Harding fought against indorsing
the resolution, declaring it was not a
labor body's place to bother with a
fight that only involves the saloon--keepers
and a few politicians. This
seemed to echo the general sentiment
of the delegates. "
Jos. W. Morton then offered a reso
lution indorsing free lunch if pre
pared under union conditions. This
was passed. x
Wheeling, W. Va., Feb. 2. Three
houses occupied by strikebreakers at
Collier, W. Va., were shot up by unT
known persons. Nearly 100 shots
ripped through the buildings occu
pied by 18 men, 3 women and 9 chil
dren. Though in some cases beds
were punctured, no person was hurt
o o
As a result of the efforts of women
in Jacksonville, Fla., the city has se
cured a proper supply of water.

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