m bor, entering by the two little islets . jtif Ku'fcu. Kuru, on the west and Aum bari on the east. Btbbably the most ferocious can nflmjjhdbes in the world are gathered arojratl this beautiful bay. We had scarcely more than anchored when .Jarge- canoes began to crowd around usagain and, though no weapons were visible, we knew perfectly well that canoes in these, parts never go anywhere without being manned and armed to the decks. Some of the natives handed up long-handled hatchets and toma hawks, requesting permission to sharpen them upon the vessel's grind stone. By hook and by crook we finally got rid of the last of the natives and the captain concluded to pull up an chor and get under way before day light Early as it was, at sailing time, two large canoes entered the harbor and rapidly approached us. Their actions were suspicious and they separated in such a way that we would be compelled to pass between them. Holding up two axes they in cate'd that they wished to come aboard. This was a blind, for the canoes were loaded with warriors who would have overpowered us if they had been allowed to come on the decks. The captain told them we would run into them if they came any closer, whereupon they set up a yell and came on full speed. When they were within a f ew yards of us the captain suddenly slewed the schooner around, sending her bow smashing through the canoe to the leeward- of us, capsizing her. The crew of the other canoe instantly as sailed lis with a volley of poisoned arrows and bullets. They were so '.cjose we could scarcely miss them with our guns, but they held their shields in such a way that the only objects visible above the tall sides of the canoe were the shield walls. However, taking aim at the shields, we fired. Several shields were thrown into the air and as many warrjqrs went plunging overboard. The canoe fell astern, but two other canoes, loaded with warriors were rapidly approaching us. Their course exposed their broad sides to. us and we cut loose with j a terrific volley. We had done so. much havoc to them by the time they v were able to turn their prows to us that they lost courage and their de sire for human heads and they stayed at a respectful distance while we. sailed out Qf the harbor. (Capt. Quinton's next adventure, to be printed Thursday in this news paper, relates a thrilling experience with "the firewalkers,") o o IN THE MOVIES By Fred Schaefer. No matter what betide, somebody usually dies abruptly and clears the difficulty. Handcuffs are muph worn in the second reel. Windows are m we principally for prowlers to peep thpough. It is easy to work a miraculous cure of anyone who is "off in the up per story." Just let him be confront ed suddenly with some one he once loved, and wandering reason is there in a jiffy. No difference what the disease, the doctor hasn't but one treatment. This consists of holding the patient's pulse, looking at his watch and frowning. Still, it must be admitted, some phenomenal cures are achieved in this manner. When two neighbors hate each other, their children fall in love. Yes, and the young folks always marry. Startling as it may seem, this brings complete peace between. ' the families. i o o Though fireless cookers have 'but recently come into use, -such appara tus was known and patented a half century or more ago.