OCR Interpretation

The day book. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1911-1917, May 02, 1914, LAST EDITION, Image 10

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045487/1914-05-02/ed-2/seq-10/

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ternity borne against her -mother's
will. Poster parents fighting for cus
tody of child.
Auto belonging to Dr. William
Loeser, 2317 Roscoe st, collided with
street car. Fqut narrowly escaped
injury -.
I. W. Lovwey, W. P. Garrity and
James Ford arrested. Alleged to have
robbed Dr. Harry Walsh, 5058 Went
worth av.
Mynell E. Fowler and wife, 4515
i" Wallace st, indicted by federal grand
jury for oleo frauds.
$25,000 damage suit filed by Mor
ris Grossman against Adolph Feffer
nan. Attorney refuses to discuss lit
igation. Disbarment proceedings against
Atfy Samuel Pincus for unprofes
sional conduct begun.
Hale O'Riley, 17, 922 N. LaSalle st,
and Mrs. Albert TubrowsM, 1406 W.
36th st, reported missing.
James Daley, 14 W. Chestnut st,
jumped from Polk st. bridge. Pulled
out by bridge tender.
Room of Amos King, Lafayette
Hotel, looted. $50 clothes taken.
- Frederick E. Smith, principal of
Wicker Park School, fined $1 and
costs. Speeding.
Safeblowers looted postoffice,
Ipava, DL $150 gone.
Some rat demoralized roll call at
Central Station. 90 husky "coppers"
foiled by rodent after 15, minutes'
Bids for sale of John Dobrynzski's
meat market, 1444 Milwaukee av.,
.canceled by Judge Landis. Lone bid
of $500 turned down.
Mtss Margaret Shea, waitress Cal
umet Hotel, used catsup bottle on
Levi W. Hartman'3 head. Fined $5
er amusement.
W. E. Reiihan, held to grand jury.
Alleged to have swindled E. G. Yous
Ha, Indiana Harbor, of $484.
Charles Connors ordered returend
ta Plamfield, N. J. Wanted there for
$25,090 robbery
Herbert Hailaday, 6008 Loomis st,
-Mad James Doyle, 6012 Loomis st,
played with can of gunpowder. Ex
ploded. Hospital.
Four jurors sworn in for vote fraud
Walter Otlakowski, 5 months old,
4345 Honore st, died while under an
aesthetic at Home for Destitute Crip
ple Children.
Police searching for Miss Eliza
beth Chandler, 18, Denver. White
slavers feared.
May day celebrated by 100,000
changing residence.
Case against William Joy and
Thomas Conway, deputy assessors
charged with bribery, continued. Ru
dolph Nechanicky, complainant,
missing. -.
John S. Miller filed suit for 14,850
attorney's fees against Robert Cath
erwood, president Civil Service,
Commission. Catherwood refused to
pay bill for settling estate.
Contempt charges against Charles
F. Hille, Sam You Sieu and Lee Wing,
for failing tp appear against Thomas
and Joseph Flammery and Thomas
Sullivan for assault and robbery, end
ed. Decisjon will be given Thursday.
Failure of Supreme Court to ren
der suffrage decision hindering vote
board. Redistricting held up until
court decides,.
Judge Foell gives School Board un
til Monday to answer contempt
action. Seven members under fire
warned it would be "last chance."
Julius Stein, 15, and Emil Jacob
son, 14, strolled out to Evanston. Saw
two bicycles on campus of North
western University. Couldn't resist
temptation to take ride. Arrested.
Manila, May 2. While the entire
world was stirred by reports that she
had run ashore and possibly sunk off
Formosa, the Pacific-Mail steamer Si
beria was proceeding on an unevent
ful voyage toward Manila. On arriv-"
ing here today the passengers and
crew knew nothing of the frantic at
tempts that had been made yester
day to learn their fate. They had met.
with no mishap.
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