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Image provided by: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL
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f LAST EDITION BRICK STRIKE WAR IS ON AS MEDIATION PLANS FAIL LAST EDITION FAKIR QUEEN MAKES HER LIVING FALLING FROM TRAINS Entered as Second-Class Matter April 21, 1914, at the Postofflce at Chicago, HL, Under the Act of March 3, 1879. THE DAY BOOK An Adless Daily Neivspaper. Dally Except Sunday. N. D. Cochran, yaai55!5EL, " Monroe 353 Editor and Publisher. v By Mail, Except in 500 South Peoria St. 398 Chicago, $3 a Year. VOL. 3, NO. 204 Chicago, Wednesday, May 27, 1914 ONE CENT GIRL-MOTHER SAYS SHE WAS RUINED IN THE CLAIRVOYANTS' DEN Will Bring Charges Against "Prof. Mason3 to State's At torney Hoyne Says He Is Father of Child Makes Serious Swindling Charge Against Old Clairvoyant Gang, A young mother, firmly gripped in the hand of poverty, came down to The Day Book office today carrying her nameless baby in her arms and told a story so startling that it was immediately brought to the attention of State's Attorney Hoyne for action. The girl claimed that she became pregnant in the clairvoyant's den at 1128 Michigan avenue, operated by the gang which was later broken up by Hoyne, , . The girl is Elizabeth Komatz. She charges that one of the clairvoyants whd operated under the name of "Prof. Mason" is the father of her baby, Leonora, born last fall. Elizabeth is one of the simple for eign type of girls who come to Amer ica each year, friendless, but brave in Jtfcir searchfer happiness and then faB prey to lie woman-hunters. She came here several years ago and after working in $everal"homeg jfcA .AitflMliMMMMiiitfiMtfliiMiMtfi