nonaHH llPMpRPPP! mmwmmKimm0mmm I'Ufl'JMfiPfWfW1 mmmi-mi, jWJUWill mHMImmm 'tact with these poor victims the hor ror is blended with a pity that grips the very souL As Judge Scully said in answer to the statement ofthe prosecuting at torney that those iafls should be given a year in jail: "They are more to be pitied than blamed. And more to be helped than punished." o o HICKSON SAYS GIRL-SLAYER IS A "SICK MAN" That Boswell Smith, slayer of the" little Weinstein girl, is a sick man rather than a criminal and that there are 50,000 other "sick men" on the streets of Chicago is the opinion of Dr. W. J. Hickson, head of the psy chopathic bureau. To a jury of school principals Smith Jold of a "crazy notion" that had grasped him, how he had lured the girl into the alley and there, his brain directed by the desires of his bodyt mistreated her. The jury of educators tried him and charged him with murder in the first degree. To their verdict they added the trust that no expense should be spared in sending the man to the gallows According to Dr. Hickson, the men tal disorder resulting in the crime was the result of epilepic fits. "An epileptic loses all intellectual insight," said Dr. Hickson. "Murder becomes a thing as natural as pass ing the time of day " o o GIRL SUES RICH MAN Francis W. Parker, Jr., an attor ney, was made defendant in a $50, 000 suit filed yesterday in the Circuit Court by Miss Mary Foreman, a workingman's daughter, 4425 Cham plain av. Although the nature of the suit was not disclosed their former friendship points toward a breach of promise action. Miss Foreman's neighbors say that until recently Parker's machine stood in front of the Foreman house sev eral nights a week. The girl's father declared that the Buit was new to him, but that Parker had called regularly up to two weeks ago. Parker, son of Former State Sen ator Francis Parker, refused to dis cuss that matter, saying that he had never heard of the girl bringing suit. WAITRESSES WIN VICTORY Judge Thomas G. Windes declared tbqt "peaceful picketing" was legal yesterday afternoon when the hear ing for the dismissal of the "injunc tion" issued by Judge Baldwin against the striking waitresses of Ef t ing's and Powers' restaurants was partly dissolved. Judge Windes struck out four of the arbitrary paragraphs of the eight In the "injunction" in rendering his decision, but permitted the injunc tion to stand. Attorney E. L. Masters for the waitresses pleaded for a dismissal, but his petition was denied. Attorney Dudley Taylor for the restaurant keepers argued that his clients had over $50,000 invested, on which they had been earning only 15 per cent, and that since the strike their business had fallen off over 50 per cent, and he asked that the para graph which specifically prohibited the patrolling in front of the res taurants be not excluded, but Judge Windes refused. Elizabeth Maloney, business agent, said that "peaceful picketing" against Efting's and Powers' restaurants would be kept up until the waitresses won their fight. o a STRIKE BEYOND CONTROL Wheeling, W. Va., July 9. Sheriff Anderson, in charge of the Belmont county, Ohio, strike situation, wired Gov. Cox that the situation is getting beyond his control. He said he is un- able to get deputies because the men refuse to act against the miners. Frank Barnum, superintendent Fort Pitt mine,, says he was assaulted by strikers.