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Image provided by: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL
Newspaper Page Text
ssss you remember that day in the gar den?" The story spread like wildfire, and soon Robert Dalelearned of it. To him the sweet littleehild whose sim ple action had saved him from going down a wreck, was as an angel of mercy, sent to guide him in the dark est hour of his career. Not only for him, but for others who had felt the gentle, hopeful in fluence of little Flora, the rare per fume of her loving soul seemed to diffuse hope aud happiness every where. As Robert Dale left the Easton home the following day the lofty flight of a bird appeared to symbol ize the purified aspirations of his bet ter nature. The lark was flying straight into the face of the glowing sun, its wild, glorious note echoing like a call to life, to duty. Then it was lost to view, but in the fervor of his grateful nature, to Robert Dale it seemed as though the lark was singing at heaven's gate! o o PICKLED CHERRIES Pick cherries over carefully, pack closely in jar, and cover them with the following: To each pint of vine gar add 1 pound of sugar, a few all spice and a stick of cinnamon. Boil this, skim and turn boiling hot over cherries in the jar, allowing plenty of liquid to entirely cover the fruit. Put thick layer of cotton batton over top of jar, and tie down tightly. Allow to stand 3 days, drain off liquid. Scald and skim and turn back over fruit. Let stand 2 days, drain, scald, skim and turn over fruit and cover with cotton tied down tight. Keep in cool place. Great care must be taken when removing cherries from jar, not to get juice on cotton or top of jar. o o IT DEPENDS "What does Algernon call his motor "boat?" "Depends on how the engine is working," SHEER BLOUSES OVER PRETTY UNDERWEAR It looks as though the universal wearing of the blouse is the last flare of a fashion that has lasted for at reast twenty years. Colored blouses of chiffon have been worn more than, white. With these blouses you must wear the new corset cpver, which is a dream of lace and embroidery. o o Government statistics show that Americans are drinking less "'whisky and using more tobacco than a year ago. Maybe the tobacco increase is I due to lady smokers. ? J &fiMsffiaij