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The day book. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1911-1917, September 22, 1914, LAST EDITION, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045487/1914-09-22/ed-1/seq-2/

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Berlin. Official war office reports uninterrupted
series of successes against French.
Berlin, via Rome, Sept. 22. All telegraphic and
telephone communication with Breslau suddenly ceased
today. It iff feared that the Russian center may have
pushed forward and be attacking the city.
Paris. Military officials here declare that inside of
three weeks at outside Germany will be fighting a defen
sive contest outside of French territory.
Petrograd. Russian forces moving slowly forward
through Galicia awaiting arrival of portion of army of
900,000 that is proceeding through Poland to the front.
Montreal. Decided to raise immediately second
contingent of Canadians, 19,000 strong, making 50,000
men in all. 31,000 Canadian soldiers already being
moved to European battlefields.
Berlin, Sept 22 (Via Wireless
Through Sayville, L. I., to the United
Press). The official war office state
ment issued today reported an unin
terrupted series of successes against
the French. It said:
"The attack of the German troops
on the line of fortifications south of
Verdun continues uninterruptedly.
"Cote, in Lorraine, which was de
fended by the Eighth French Army
Corps, has been occupied, the Ger
mans now holding this point.
"A sortie of the French troops
from the northeast front of Verdun
was repulsed.
"Fortresses like the height of Cra
onelle (Craonne) have been taken
in battle. In the advance against
Rheims, which is now afire, the vil
lage of Betheny has been-taken."
Berlin, Via The Hague. The Ger
man newspapers, usually officially
Inspired, today place the responsibil
ity for the bombardment of the ca
thedral of Rheims squarely on the
They allege that the French, dis
regarding the sacredness of the edi
fice so closely allied with France's
history, deliberately mounted guns
not only near, but actually on the
cathedral, from which they fired on
the German positions. This necessi
tated the shelling of the cathedral, all
of these newspapers say.
Paris. The official statement of
the war office, issued at 3 o'clock this
afternoon from Bordeaux and made
public at Gen. Gallieni's headquar
ters, says that the Germans were
more active generally yesterday
along certain parts'of the battle line
than at any time since the great bat
tle of the Aisne began.
The activity was most in evidence
between Rheims and Souain'and also
against the heights of the Meuse in
Woevre. It is stated that at no point
have the Germans penetrated the
French lines.
London. News Agency reports
from Geneva declare rioting is taking
place daily in the -streets of both
Vienna and Berlin. It is declared
shops in the poorest section of the
city are being looted and that many
women have been shot down in the
attempts to control the mobs.
The dispatch also denies the Ger-
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