'Vw'rv w vr i v . "f jjr w -w w?. j Perrand was infatuated with a vaude ville actress of the neighboring city; letters had been placed before her, and, rather than tax Mervyn with their authorship, she had waited quietly. She could not tax a man whose de votion to her had never actually taken the form of a marriage pro posal. As the weeks went by Mervyn's vis its became fewer in number and fre quency. Lily ignored Mervyn more openly. She all but cut him on the street. He ceased to come to the house at last And then it was that ' Charles Tremont began to be a fre quent guest. "Miss Norton," he said one day, "excuse me if I seem impertinent, but it is being said that an estrangement has arisen between you and Mr. Fer rand." Lily bowed her head quietly. "Then do you intend to marry him?" asked the young lawyer. "Never," said the girl impulsively. "In that case, Miss Norton," pur sued Tremont, "I am privileged to speak to you in my professional ca pacity. As you know, your grand father was the soul of honor. He was certain that you and Mr. Ferrand meant to marry; otherwise he would undoubtedly have willed everything to you. Now what will you do when your year is ended? For then Mr. Ferrand will acquire the ownership of this house, you know, and all the income." "Subject to acondition," suggest . ed Lily. "Yes. But that is probably merely a formality. I fancy your grandfather had heard some things about him, and that the condition hinges upon the use he makes of his share of the property during these 12 months." "I have thought over the matter," answered the girl, "and I intend to go into the hospital and study to be a nurse." The thought of the girl losing ev erything emboldened the young man . to make an appeal to Ferrand, hope less as he knew the result likely to be. He sent him a letter asking him to call at his office. 'Tes, it was lucky the old man left everything to me," said Ferrand, aft er Tremont had brought up the mat ter of the will. "Lily won't have a penny, exceptwhat she has managed to save this year. It's hard, but that's the way the world wags." "Mr. Ferrand," said Tremont, "has it ever occurred to you that you will inherit this property owing to a mis conception on the part of old Mr. Norton, and that it might be only fair to make a settlement on your cous in?" Ferrand laughed uneasily. "I'm no philanthropist," he an swered. "No, sir. What I get I hold. Why, there isn't a man in town.wduld do such a crazy thing." "Perhaps perhaps not," answered Tremont. "However, since you take that point of view, there is no more to be said. I wish you good day, sir." The months sped hy, and, before the year was ended, the, day came when Tremont asked Liljnjforton to be his wife. "I can't take care of you in the style to which you have been accus tomed," he said, "but I love you with all my heart, and if you will be my wife I will love you all my life. And later we will be rich-" There were such dreams as lovers have, those visions that he recounted. And Lily, who had become-as deeply attached to the young lawyer as he was to her, agreed to marry him on the day when the year came to a close. There was another formality to be gone through, and that was the open ing of the sealed paper. Ferrand, Lily, and the other legatees to small sums assembled at the young law yer's office and watched him break the seal. "The condition upon which the aforesaid Mervyn Ferrand becomes my heir," he read, "is that he m$r-i MMMMMMMMMMlftiMMaMMaikUMttMfcBfcMltj