mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm "LIKE HAWK ATTACKING CHICK' SAYS "NEW LOVE" APOSTLE OF MEN'S COURTSHIP. family skeleton," said Miss Meadows. "If the woman of today the free woman loves a man, mock-modesty will not seal her lips and keep her love a secret. She meets him at least half way, she doesn't hesitate to acknowledge her love. The usual courtship of a woman by a man, however, has as little to do with the 'love of today' the real love as with the hawk's pursuit of a spring chicken. "The woman of today has kicked over the pedestal on which the wom an of yesterday posed, -she has come 11 f ' -TB yBk wwP' sHfcfe3 KjMMSv ..j. . JBBHIiiiiiniiii8b J BY HONOR FANNING Love has found a new partner her name is Reason. " Love has found a new soulmate ier name is Truth. Love has found But let Miss Dorothy Meadows, fa mous feminist herself tell you about the new pholosophy of love, the "Love of Tbday," which this student of love and Its problems makes the theme of many books and lectures. "The woman of today is not ashamed of love in that she differs, from the woman of yesterday, who hid her romance in a closet with the down to earth beside her mate. She wants his love, but she spurns his make-believe worship. "The 'love of today must find a new moral standard. The ascetic woman may be as immoral as the li centious man; neither are normal, neither have a place in nature's scheme of living. If his wife is his mate, man will never dally in the primrose path seeking an affinity. Like the sultan of Turkey, some men marry often and never have a real wife. "The 'love of today.'" concluded Miss Meadows, "can never be under- 9!lai!USSSaya.-. .-