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The day book. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1911-1917, May 22, 1915, NOON EDITION, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045487/1915-05-22/ed-1/seq-8/

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man I would see that he would serve
colored people hereafter. I told him
that he was granted his license that
he might serve the public, and that
he was compelled by the provisions of
his license to-serve any one who paid
him. I further "asked him why he
had located in a district where the
majority of residents are colored
people if he did not wish to serve
He did not reply to my question,
but turned to the colored man and in
, a very nasty way asked him what he
"Coffee and rolls," he said.
"Cash in advance," said the pro
prietor. "Twenty-five cents, please."
'Why charge me 25 when the price
on your bill of fare reads 10 cents,"
the colored man asked.
"Pay the price or get out," he was
So the old man paid 25 cents for
coffee and rolls.
Now I want opinions of The Day
Book readers on people like this.
I am a white woman and I do not
think any less of the negro race be
cause of their color. The majority of
negroes are excellent citizens.
If our dear Lord and Master krves
these people and says that He is no
respector of color, what right have
we to slight these people?
We haye heroes in .our police and
fire departments who are colored. We
have as many criminals as the black
race has.
Color has nothing to do with the
person. It's your heart and the way
you live that counts. If white folks
would live up to their religion and if
that restaurant proprietor had acted
like a Christian that injustice would
not have been committed.
Let us be more broadminded and
Christianlike. R. H.
bless Norway! May the Creator in
His infinite wisdom and justice bless
its people for making all illegitimate
children legitimate by legislative act
When we think of a poor baby, with
its little hands, its faint cries, its
helpless, trusting soul, hurled into the
world against the law because the
parents loved lust and were selfish, it
makes one wish to weep. It is no
credit to civilization that such wee
unfortunates are cursed by law from
the day of birth.
People of other nations, when they
pray at night, say, "God bless me
and mine, that is all, good night" But
Norway has evidently read the New
Testament Here are a few verses
by the Greatest Humanitarian who
"It is better that you tie a mill
stone about your necks and be cast
into the sea than to harm one of
My little ones. Whosoever harms
one of My little ones unto the least
of these, have ye done it unto Me.
Suffer little children to come unto
Me, for those that seek Me early shall
find Me."
We cannot expect much of our
present legislators, who probably
robbed birds' nests of their young
when they were young. They con
tinue to rob the young because of
their early schooling. The churches
of Christ which aid and' abet the
crime feel perfectly secure in their in
terpretation of Christ their leader.
But Norway has taken the part of the
defenseless and ought to cause other
nations to blush with shame. Allen
Stevens, 2538 N. California Av.
o o
A threat by twenty-five mothers to
take their children from the Albany
av. school in the Marks Nathan Jew
ish Home if a new buildnig were not
provided before next fall stirred the
board of education to action. A site
for the new school is now being
The recent fire in the building
which, though small, turned the spot
light on the poor equipment and un
sanitary conditions in the home for
the use of which during school hours
the city pays $6,000 a year.
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