lias either got to go to some saloon
and find out or else buy one of the
other daily newspapers and I don't
care to do either.
This is one fault in your paper I
hope to see corrected soon. Harry
B. Nulph, 2148 Congress st
ROCKEFELLER. As the law and
our institutions stand we can do
nothing. We concede that the Rocke
feller corporation owns the most of
the coal deposits of Colorado. We
concede the right to individuals to
organize corporations which can do
business upon other people's money,
and if the corporation makes ducks
and drakes of the money, so the
creditors and shiall stockholders can
not find out where the money went,
the directors of the corporation can
escape with the plunder and repeat
the game ad libitum, so the people
are robbed of their landed inherit
ance and robbed of their savings,
strictly according to law.
The law robs the individuals of his
equal right to the use of the earth,
thus putting him at the mercy of the
organised appetite of the privileged
corporation that thrives on the spe
cial privileges of land ownership,
franchise grants and exemption from
the laws that mercilessly collect
debts from private individuals. The
corporation can hire the disinherited
at starvation wages and also rob
them of their savings by stock job
bing, because we are so Ignorant of
our rights that we cannot get togeth
er to change the law that enthrones
the legalized robbery.
If we can get together we can un
tax our earnings and our savings
and we can tax the land values of
the monopolists until they care to
hold no more land than they dan use.
Then the rest of the people will have
a chance to use some of it. We can
change the corporation laws so that
every stockholder will be liable to the
extent of his property for the debts
and wrongdoing of the corporation.
That will abolish robbery by stock
jobbing and give the poor a chance
to draw a long breath and look
around to see what comes next.
Geo. V. Wells.
read about the Kate Adams bill. How
does she think the prostitutes are go
ing to live? There must be such a
thing as vice. There has been before
this generation and there win be for
many generations to come, and they
ought to be satisfied there is a cer
tain amount of girls who are wining
to sacrifice their souls?
Does Kate Adams think that by
putting the girls in a house they are
going to reform them? Never. I
myself was a respectable girl when
I was put In a home, and that. Is
where I learn to be what I am today.
Kate Adams must not think that be
cause she has all the luxuries in life
that we must not have anything.
We are not dogs, to be hounded
around. Why should they put us in
jail? We do not commit crime.
Kate Adams thinks it will be better
for the society people by putting us
In jail. Why don't they give us a
district and let us stay in one place
and we will not interfere with so
ciety. Kindly publish this and let
the public think it over. Geraldine,
Zita and Maxine.
Mr. Hardup Teetle Well, this is
very funny; heaps of signs and yet I
can't find one pawnbroker on the