OCR Interpretation

The day book. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1911-1917, June 26, 1915, LAST EDITION, Image 14

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045487/1915-06-26/ed-1/seq-14/

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hundreds of civil prisoners are taken
elderly men, women and children,"
explained the consul's wife. "Prison
trains bring them here from Moscow.
They are carried to distributing pris
ons in Siberia. Thence they must
march to the exile villages.
"Those with money manage fainy
well, but the penniless suffer desper
ately. Poor people are often sei2ed
in their homes without warning. They
must be prepared to encounter Sibe
rian cold. We are allowed to help
them, which helps a little."
A dark red exile train stood before
us, crowded with innocent victims.
The open door spaces were filled with
wan, frightened faces.
"Everything you need most will be
here presently," called the consul's
wife in friendly German, as she
climbed on the unsteady runway with
practiced ease.
"Suppose we look first at sore eyes,
next for sore throats," she suggested,
unpacking some simple remedies. Pa
tiently the civil exiles lined up to be
A man of 80 limped forward.
"Madam, you .must excuse our con
ditions," he whispered hoarsely. "We
are non-combatants from villages in
Eastern Prussia. The Cossacks sud
denly swept upon us. Before we
knew they were coming they held our
district We were driven from our
homes aged and sick, women and
children. None had provisions, few
proper clothes. Armed guards drove
us across the Russian frontier. Then
we entrained. Forty men and women
have died in these cattle cars in com
ing here. We were given black bread
and tea, but no chance to rest or
keep clean."
The consul's wife dismissed the
"Let us be thankful that tubs have
come, with plenty of hot water and
soap," she said gently, and presently
the homeless were enjoying the lux
ury of a bath.
A military kitchen rolled up, huge
kettles steaming. Hot broth and
stewed meats were given to the exQes
the consul's wife carefully supervis
ing it all.
Suddenly the warning clangor of
starting bells sounded and the con
sul's wife hurried back to the cattle
cars into which the exiles were pil
ing at the gruff commands of their
guards. Her arms were filled with
bunches of spring flowers tulips, - '
lilies and daffodils she had kept the
best surprise for the last.
"Next-year!" she told the now smil
ing prisoners. "Never doubt but that
you will return next year." Men and
women tried to hide their tears and
answer bravely.
Grinding wheels caught sanded
rails, the dark red train noisily got
under way. Five hundred innocent,
unrecorded exiles started on a
month's journey into the unknown.
The friend they left behind watched
their departure sadly.
"America cannot compel peace and
could not, by fighting, change the re
sult of the war. If only for the sake
of stricken people who need us,
American MUST remain neutral,"
said the consul's wife.
o o
Cut good sized cucumbers into
halves lengthwise and remove the
seeds. Fill the hollows with a force
meat made of equal parts of roast
beef and boiled ham chopped fine.
Moisten one-half cup of fine bread
crumbs with one tablespoonful of
boiling water and one tablespoonful
of butter, mix with the meat and add
a few drops of onion juice; fill the cu
cumbers and tie halves together with
soft twine. Place in a roasting pan ,
and pour over them one cupful oft,'
beef stock and bake until tender. Re
move the strings and -place cucum
bers on hat platter, thicken gravy
left in the pan and pour over them. '
Serve piping hot
o o
Buy soap in as large quantities as
possible, remove wrappers and place
in dry place to harden,.
' m'Tii MiaiaTlii
iniMiftti "-I'M iif litem niiiiaMi iinanmfrt

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