OCR Interpretation

The day book. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1911-1917, June 29, 1915, LAST EDITION, Image 11

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045487/1915-06-29/ed-1/seq-11/

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paid. What then must be the condi
tions in other cities? If $11.46 a
week is a good wage, why are not
more people happy and contented?
If the persons responsible for the
preparation of the copy in these two
ads are the judges of good wages, the
writer would not want them to sit on
any board of arbitration in which
wages was one of the points to be
settled, notwithstanding their motto,
"Truth." C. E. Danner, 4843 N.
Monticello av.
Jane Whitaker wants to know who is
to blame in the case of the 18-year-old
boy who turned to petty larceny
because he could not find an oppor
tunity to make an honest living.
Our present method of treating
land as absolute private property,
which had its birth in war and con
quest, is directly responsible for this
condition. The absurdity of this sys
tem is not apparent to the great ma
jority for the same reason that chat
tel slavery, dueling, piracy, witch
craft, the right divine of kings, and
a host of other unnatural and iniqui
tous institutions seemed perfectly
wise and natural to the majority of
the people in whose day they existed.
It may not be generally known that
one of nature's great wonders the
Mammoth Cave, is private property,
belonging to a few superannuated
owners. When we read of the days
of chattel slavery and other evils we
wonder how people could be so blind
as to endure such unnatural and un
just system, even when their wrong
fulness had been frequently pointed
out However, when we see our pres
ent general acquiescence in the idea
of absolute private property in the
earth, we can understand that phase
of the human understanding which
accepts all established institutions as
just and proper, no matter how de
structive and injurious their effects
may be on society in general.
Wherever men are out of work, or
barely able to make a decent living,
you will find that land is treated as
absolute private property. 'Read
Henry George. J. Weiler, N. Keeler
Av., Chicago.
ence to Miss Murphy's ousting let me
assure M. J. Gallery that he is off the
track; that Loebs and Rosenwalds
are far from controlling the board
of education or any other such in
stitutions. If the majority of members found
enough reason for ousting Miss Mur
phy there surely must be more rea
son attached to it than religion.
No need to be alarmed or call the
attention of such persons as Coch
ran, Washingtons or Lincoln. No
doubt those gentlemen keep their
eyes open. Yours for justice. Ardie
Drews, 1844 W. Taylor St
got through reading in The Day Book
an article concerning Major Funk
houser. You state he is showing a
high hand of late in censoring films.
-I wish to ask you, have you ever seen
any cut-outs of some of the films
which were to be shown in our the
aters where women and children at
tend? If not I wish you would visit room
1004, City Hal!, and ask to be shown
only one reel of cut-outs and you
certainly would be convinced that the
Chicago censorship board is a neces
sity. After seeing these cut-outs you
win not condemn the Chicago board,
but will do all in your power to de
fend it Mrs. L. A.
PRICES AGAIN. As to an article
published in The Day Book on Sat
urday, June 26, regarding prices,
from the year 1855 to 1860, 1 will say
that I have information from my j
grandmother who is living today that
potatoes in those days were 12 to 15 ,
cents a bushel and not 15 cents a
peck. Also best butter sold at 8 cents
a pound and chickens at $1 a dozen
weighing from. 3 to 5 pounds each,
- "-" -"V1--

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