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The day book. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1911-1917, July 02, 1915, NOON EDITION, Image 31

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045487/1915-07-02/ed-1/seq-31/

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had been charged -with stealing brass.
He told a social worker that he owed
some money at that time and he
thought he wouldn't take it from his
good mother, but he would get it
from someone who wouldn't miss it
so he is said to have admitted that at
one time he did steal brass from the
rich corporation.
Yesterday in the boys' court Alex-
ders philosophy of one time, if not
of this time, was proven wrong by
the array, of Northwestern railroad
("ctectives and experts who testified
that brass journals alleged to have
been stolen by Alexander were worth
$18.25 and he therefore is charged
with grand larceny, and they render
ed quite futile the philosophy of Al
exander's mother that her laddie
should be given still another chance,
for the matter was no longer in the
jurisdiction of the boys' court after
the expert testimony of the North
western railroad officials.
So wee Alexander MacGregor is in
the county jail and will remain there
for a month or six weeks until he is
tried and then he will probably be
sent to Pontiac for the next four
years, m order, as a brilliant lawyer
assured me, that society may be pro
tected. And in New York a merchant
prince charged with robbing thou
sands of poor of thousands of dollars
is serving a ten-months' sentence on
a misdemeanor charge.
o o
. Cod is called into this war more
and more as the conflict grows older.
- "God and me," says the kaiser.
"God punish England," say the
"God save the king," shout the
"Good God," says God, "my work
is cut out for me!" London Herald.
o o
" During the ten-year period ended
in 1909 on all the railroads of Great
Britain and Ireland only one passen
ger was killed for every 72,000,000
carried. i
Every one was surprised to learn
that Richard Travers, the film star, is
a married man. He kept his marriage
apecret that well! And no one would
have found it out yet if he hadn't
filed suit for divorce.
Richmond, Ind., July 2. Some
where in the wide, wide worlt is a
man who knows that newspaper men
. moment. This man is named
Blitt Mr. George Blitt professional
While in this city Mr. Blitt indulged
too freely of the cup that cheers and
that evening he was apprehended by
a Richmond officer.
The mayor was absent the next
morning and Prosecutor Reller asked
a police reporter whether he felt qual
ified to sit as judge. The reporter did.
He took the bench and at Mr. Blitt's
request administered the pledge
"never again in life to touch alcoholic
"Now, my mend, said the special
judge, "you are at liberty to leave this
court and go on your way."

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