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,' SQudUtons ajuj picked Mayor Thomp- v aoa. The politieal system of the Chicago ' stylet railways has been en the job hot, heavy and fast the last few days trying to stop the big wage raise for the street car men. "- - - Former Congressman Fred Lundln to the man the system centered on for reaching Mayor Thompson. Lun dln is political manager of Mayor Thompson and the main dynamo of the organization behind the mayor. Word was sent Lundln that if Mayor Thompson stands for a 3-cent an hour wage raise for all first-year men and other wage raises demanded by the men the tractions companies have power to punish the Thompson organization in two ways: 1, No traction money for any po litical campaigns of Thompson. 2. No support for Thompson by the traction political system in the many wards where street railway politicians rule. Two men "Close to the mayor are reported to have spoken a good word for the street railways. These two are State Sen, Sam Ettelson'and Dan Schuyler, attorney for the State street stores and the Chicago Tunnel Co. The mayor has been told that the street car companies can take an ar bitration award to the courts. No oody's afraid of court action, how ever. It would discredit arbitration. And Big Business in Chicago isn't readly to kill the arbitration idea. It's handy for them most of the time. Mayor Thompson will go away up, as a popular figure, if the demands of the car men are granted. It will bi taken as clear proof that all attempts of the traction political system to reach Thompson failed. o o ANNOUNCEMENT 'Chicago Spirit" will be given a boost at the Old- Time Pressmen's picnic at Atlas Park, 5025 N. Craw ford av., Saturday. Mayor Thomp son has appointed 160 old tine press-1 men to lead the boosting- Family ticket $2, including refreshments. LOCAL GARMENT WORKERS QET STRIKE NOTICE FROM N, Y. The local branch of the Amalga mated Garment Workers of America has been notified to be in readiness to strike at any time, in connection (fe with the general strike breaking in New York city. A wire to Sydney Hillman, president of the organiza tion, carried the order. There will be a conference tonight to devise ways and means of financ ing such a strike in case it is called. A little investigation will be car ried on here to find out if Chicago concerns are taking New York work. In case that is being done a general strike will be called here Immediately. The members of the garment workers' organization in N. Y. have given power to the officers to call a general strike In New York city. That would affect 125,000. New York, July 15. Between 250, 000 and 300,000 clothing workers in six of the largest cities in the United States and two in Canada are await ing a strike order from headquarters here today, according to J. Panken, general counsel for the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America. Pan ken said he was in communication with union heads in Baltimore, Phila delphia, Chicago, Boston, St. Louis, Montreal and Toronto and that all would walk out unless the differences between the New York workers and the manufacturers are settled satis factorily in the mediatiqn conference now in session here. A "None will be called out, however, . pending the- results of the present conference," said Panken. Thirty-five thousand cost' workers who were to strike this morning went back to work to await the out come of the negotiations. Approxim ately 21,000 are still out Nearly 6,000 cutters will meet to night to make plans for strikingy