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THE DAY BOOK N. D. COCHRAN EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. BOO SO. PEORIA ST. CHICAGO, ILU T-7-A Editorial. Monroe 333 telephones ClrculatiM. Monroe 3834 SUBSCRIPTION By Carrier In Chicago. 30 cents a Month. Br Mall. United States and Canada, 11.00 a Year. Entered a second-class matter April 21, 1914. at the poitofllce at Chicago, 111, under the Act of March 3, 187J. NO LUDLOW, YET. They're hav ,ing a fierce time managing the big Rockefeller building in Cleveland. The 30 scrub women have struck and they're filling tkeir places with scrub men. The women got $1.35 per day and want 15 cemts more. The Rockefeller management has not yet felt obliged to massacre any body in order to hold on to that 15 cents. But you never can tell how desperate a 15-cent Rockefeller issue will become. THE OPEN THROAT. A few years ago a man who wore a shirt tthat rolled open at the neck was at once put down as one who painted s pictures, or had shocking ideas w about marriage, or made speeches on the class struggle. But this summer, look! There's ., Tompkins, the bank clerk, sipping a chocolate ice cream sodS. with Mil-. dred, the lawyer's stenographer. t There's Smifh, the manufacturer, out I for a spin. There's Vanderpyle, gen- ,tleman of no occupation, but with -very visible means of support, going "to a garden party. There are no rebel thoughts in these conventional heads. But you will notice that their collars, in one piece with the shirt, roll back at a point an inch or -more down on the breast, leaving the neck free. f "The open throat," it has been claimed by philosophers a cause as well as a result of freedom in body, mind and souL Does its fashionable ness, this summer, mean less con ventionality, more naturalness, and simplicity? At any rate, if there are no collar buttons to be lost, it means more quiet in the home. If there are no collars, stiff or soft, to choke, it means more comfort abroad. JOLTING THE JITNEY-Califor-nia's supreme court has come for ward with its solar plexus punch at the jitney bus business in the San Francisco case. The ordinance sus tained requires a license, a badge and a $10,000 bond. Add to these charges taxes and you get the size of the traction company's victory over poor men who are trying to earn an hon est living with small capital. Gradually big business is exhibiting big reasons for recall of big courts. SHORT ONES A handless man has become a law-. ryer in Chicago. No use. No man can be a lawyer who hasnt both mitts., out all the time. While generally frowning upon such practices, we confess a certain admiration for the French soldier who j found time between fights in the; trenches to manufacture counterfeit coins and circulate them through an.1 entire English brigade. , Well, for a fellow they refused to recognize, Gen. Huerta is getting a. whole lot of recognition. The greatest demand Just now in these times of high food prices is some genius to invent a way of mak ing summer squash and Ben Davis, apples edible. Some fellows never think of thef Better Babies movement until the neighbor's kid howls all night with, colic. Lightning entered a Lenox, Mass., garage and stole a monkey wrench. That's the only thing that can get even with a garage. BttAttMttMriAijMUAtitiggMjfiiiiMjgittififliMHMaa0gagg