But Isn't it becoming pretty darned expensive to this nation to support the Rockefeller fortune in its war on men, women and children? If some governor -were to put the reverse english on the militia ball and turn the state soldiers loose to clean those gunmen out it might help some. One standing army is enough, for one country, and Uncle Sam might better put the private Rackefeller standing army out of business. Old John D. or young John D. might lose his temper some day and march on Washington with his army of gun men. You never can telL SHORT ONES Romance in war is dead. The French have provided the troops in the trenches with alarm clocks. A Chicago man wants $25,000 dam ages from his father-in-law because his wife has a wooden leg, which is the first hint we ever heard that he redity is responsible for wooden legs. An eastern automobile company paid $8,000 for an automobile in or der to tear it to pieces and examine the parts. That's what the rest of us do, only we don't know it till later. A Muscatine, Iowa, farmer dodged an aerolite, which qualifies him to be classed with some of our millionaire tax dodgers. A real summer resort is a place where the women may wear out their last year's clothes without fearing to be talked about TODAY'S ODDEST STORY St Paul, Minn., July 26, When the city council was contemplating li cense for dogs, a woman wrote ask ing that cats be also placed ukder the ban. The reason she assigned was that cats in her neighborhood were so numerous that they ate up all the birds who could not in turn sat up all the worms which were eat ing up all the leaves of the beautiful trees. The council declined to listen to her plea. THE PUBLIC FORUM LONGING OF HOTEL CLERK By Roswell F. Connor I long to be a farmer And page the cows at eve. And sit beneath their udders. And milk like Bill and Steve. (Q, I would like to be a farmer And help to room the stock. I would like to see that they were reg istered. And check out at 5 o'clock. If I could be a .farmer I'd have my hens all lay The bricks for a warm henhouse Then have eggs to give away. YOUR FUTURE INTENDED. The man who wishes to know all about his future intended had better not be to exacting. Some day I be lieve science and medicine will suf ficiently understand the nervous make-up of each sex, the endurance of each, the quality and quantity of the various body organs, that matri mony will not be the gamble it is to day. Meantime the males had better not insist upon too high requirements from their sweethearts because if women asked the same chance of men, we men would not get the chance to marry and the human race would become ertinct The only way the average man can obtain a wife is by fraud. As to shape, most men look like 6 o'clock in bath ing suits. Hence the high percentage of bachelors among men bathers. Au Women do not marry us for our shapes, but the frauds we put up. What with bald heads, wigs, glasses, bad teeth, store teeth, corns, bunions, and other defects, to say nothing of that shady past, we manage to se cure a wife. What with cloves, sen sen and perfumery we hide our drink ing and cigarette habits. There is more fullness and rich ness of life in sacrificing for an in-