charming and fashionable frocks.
A tennis girl whose up-to-date
sport clothes attract attention at
Chicago country clubs is Miss Laura
Johnson, whose favorjte tennis suit
is made of white tricot or Kalian silk.
The coat is made Norfolk style, pock
ets, belt and all, and the rather full
skirt is finished at the bottom with
square scallops about 2 isches deep.
It's not at all an impracticable suit,
as the silk "washes like a handker
chief" and wears very well
The saucy little satin hat takes its
name Chin-Chin hat from its ori
ental model, the cap of the East In
dian soldier.
Today Mrs. Mary Boyd concludes
the series of articles on "Twilight
Sleep," written for The Day Book.
The previous articles were "What
Twilight Sleep Means" and "What
Twilight Sleep Means to the Mother."
President of the Twilight Sleep Asso
ciation of New York.
True twilight sleep presents no
dangers to the child.
In rescuing the mother largely
from the high and medium forceps it
rescues the child also often from
death or injury. On the occasion of
a discussion of the use of the forceps
to end the birth in the case of a
mother exhausted by pain, complaint
was made of the injury and destruc
tion of babies by this means. It was
Dr. Kronig of Freiburg who laid down
the law emphatically. "We must find
a method that will save the mother
and the child."
Freiburg hospital has a lower
death rate of babies, as well as of
mothers, than any other lying-in hos
pital in Europe.
The reason of this is that the baby
is saved later from any shock and
from many dangers to brain or limbs
by being born in an easy, normal
way, in a painless birth. For wnere
the forceps does not kill it often
The same woman doctor whose
painful birth I told of in my last
article says that she believes that a
generation of twilight sleep will
lower the number of epileptics and
idiots and cripples in our population.
One thousand of the babies born
under true twilight sleep in America
have been studied side by side, with
one thousand babies born in pain. Of
the twilight babies only 39 died in the
first two weeks of life, whereas 49 of
the babies born in pain died within
this period. More of the twilight
babies had regained their weight in
ten days, as against only 470 of the
babies born in pain.
We hear a great deal of the blue
baby born under twilight sleep. This
blue baby is a baby either asphyxiat
ed or breathless or pretty near it
Asphyxia is never due to twilight
In the two groups of a thousand
babies, one set born under twilight,
the other not, the same number in
each showed heart and breathing
The Blue Baby is the result either
of some difficulty with the birth itself,
entirely unconnected with Twilight
Sleep, or of over-dosing with scopola-'
min-morphin to a degree which is
quite the opposite of the method of
Twilight Sleep.
The dose given in Twilight Sleep
is 1-150 to 1-200 of a grain scopola
min and 1-16 to 1-8 of a grain mor-
phin, according to the constitution of '
the different patients. The later '
doses, kept far apart by the "mem
ory test" are only 1-400 or less of a
grain scopolamin, no morphin.
Yet one doctor who CLAIMS to be
using Twilight Sleep is giving 1-100