grain scopolamin for the first dose
and repeating this same amount at
regular intervals of iy2 hours. He
has naturally enough many blue
Sometimes doctors who are not yet
skillful in Twilight Sleep give the
mother a dose of scopolamin within
less than y. hours of the end of
birth. This sometimes brings a baby
of a pinkish-bluish color who is
sleepy and breathes very lightly for
10 to 20 minutes. This is not a very
dangerous condition like the deep as
phyxia due to forceps or prolonged
painful births, but it is undesirable.
The expert Twilight Sleep doctor has
none of these apnoeic babies, as the
are called. Within a year or so, those
doctors -wfeo are working in Twilight
Sleep in bl faith and who desire to
succeed will have no apnoeic babies.
In a generation there will be plen
ty of experts and no woman will have
to go to the doctors who carelessly
overdose and bring breathless babies
into the world. At the present, wom
en must remember that it is the tiny
dose individualized to each patient
and widely spaced by the memory
test that makes true Twilight and
true Twilight is safe for mother and
In another generation we shall
have happier and healthier mothers
and babies who have come into the
world without the dangers that come
to them today through long and pain
ful births; every maternity hospital
will have its death rate in babies cu1
like Freiburg, to less than half what
it was before Twilight was used.
By Betty Brown
"The princess gown is coming,"
predict the fashion prophets, but just
take the word of Betty Brown, the
princess gown is HERE.
Almost all the new gowns I saw in
a tour of the shops the other day
were made in one piece. Some of
them were girdled and some of them
slightly bloused, but almost all of
them had the direct, straight line ex
tending from neck to skirt hem and
what can you call the straight line
gown but a princess.
The redingote with its long, straight
lines is also noticeable among the
new gowns. The coat costume is a
very economical garment as it's a
dress andcoat in one, and may be
worn with Only a flounced petticoat.
Miss Isabel Angeles, daughter of
Gen. Felipe Angeles, Villa's chief of
artillery, who is spending the summer
in Massachusetts.
o o
To remove wine stains from linen
soak the spots In sweet milk.