OCR Interpretation

The day book. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1911-1917, August 12, 1915, LAST EDITION, Image 20

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045487/1915-08-12/ed-1/seq-20/

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desk coolly turning over his corre
spondence. "Jenkins," said Myers, when the
man returned, "that fellow tried to
blackmail me. I turned him down
cold. Nobody ever blackmailed me,
or ever will. By the way, you collect
stamps, don't you. Here's one from
Kanakaland. I don't know whether
it's worth anything but it ought to
be worth a dollar or two. It looks
like a rare one."
j i
Mrs. Adolph Linkoff.
Los Angeles, Cal. One of the little
heart throbs that humanizes the pro
duction of moving pictures, but is
never shown on the screen, is illus
trated by the recent marriage of di
minutive Ivy Crosthwaite, Keystone
swimming and diving girl, who is now
Mrs. Adolph Linkoff.
Little Ivy is only 17, but she has
gained fame through her prowess in
the water, an accomplishment that
has won her the title of the "Key
stone Mermaid."
One night, on her way home fiom
work, she sprained her ankle.
A broad-shouldered young man,
who was driving an automobile near
by, stopped and picked up the girL
He left his card Adolph Linkoff.
There you have the synopsis the5
hero and the heroine.
If you surmise the milkman is add
ing water to the milk he delivers to
you, drop a well polished knitting nee
dle into the bottle of milk and imme
diately withdraw it If the milk is
pure some of the fluid will adhere to
the needle, but if water has been add
ed the needle will appear perfectly
Apricots are difficult to keep. Try
putting them on a sieve or wire grate
and set them on the cellar floor in. a.
dark place.

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