MORE-NEWS ABOUT THE HARM THAT FALSET ARRESTS DO HOW TRUST PKfcSS DUfc.5 For days after a big crime has been tha newsnaners will bla tantly tell their readers that a man, or a couple of men, are being held by the police as suspects, sometimes they even use the prisoner's name. The next day an item in some obscure corner of the paper will tell of this suspect's discharge because of "in sufficient evidence" They don't even try to erase the blot they have-thrown on the man's name by the unf air news story published the day before. Emerging from a filthy police sta tion and perhaps bearing some Scars about his body the result of the third degree the "suspect" will car ry a grudge against the police force as long as he lives. It is more than likely if he again gets into trouble the former arrest will be held against him. Each day one may visit the courts and hear hundreds of cases where tha TinHrismnn admits he has been "a little hasty," but asked the Judge to read the man's record. MoBt of the judges are "square." They refuse to convict on the testimony of the police records alone. "There are only three circum stances under which a police officer is justified in making an arrest," Daniel Cruise, the labor attorney, said. "First, when an offense is com mitted in his presence; second, when he has a warrant; and, third, when there is probable cause. Of course, there are a great many unnecessary arrests every year and it is the right of every citizen to demand on what charge he is being locked up. He may do this at the risk of-his head and a great many take this risk. Att'y Clarence Darrow thinks that the police department should be lec tured by attorneys from the city pros ecutor's and state's attorney's of fices. "This would result in a more efficient police force," he stated. "It is' a very difficult thing to prosecute, a 'false arrest' made by the police de partment. As it is a civil matter it sometimes takes five year-to come to trial and then parties have usually forgotten all about it." "There are a great many arrests tar netfv vinlfltions of the law. where 'instead warnings should be given," Harry Miller, city prosecutor, saia. "Few people who are arrested do not not know what they are being ar rested for. I am a prosecutor, not a persecutor, and I think there should be a better understanding between the police and the other city depart ments. Lectures to policemen should not only be about law, but could in clude health and building regulations. Judge Olson's-idea is a good one." o o LITTLE ITALY STAGES ANOTHER SAWED-OFF SHOTGUN-MURDER whan the familiar roar of the Isawed-off shotgun edhoed through the Little itaiy aistnct 01 me worm Side yesterday afternoon business stopped. Hundreds of men, women and children gathered in the front of Vito Ingraffai's butcher shop at 1129 Milton ar. and looked curiously at the body of Vito Castaluzzo twitching in death agonies on the sidewalk. When the police patrol arrived a few mo ments later Castaluzzo was dead. The gun had been held close to the left side Of his back when it was fired. Only twice in the past two years has the Italian "black hand squad" of Second Deputy Schuettler's office "cleaned up" and caught a njurderer, and more than fifty people have been killed. Castaluzzo was a wine merchant at 510 Hobbie st So far no "suspects" have been arrested or. clues to the murderer found. o o Villa promises Carranza "a series of surprises." Bet he can't surprise old whiskers out of the Vera Cruz customs house. IC ,-. . r- -,,r4 i. .