g&gmF? --" ? by many as the most remarkable ed ucator of her times. Mrs. Stoner is the mother of 13-year-old Winifred Sackville Stoner, Jr., acknowledged by educators and scientists to be in every respect the best developed child in. the United States. She passed her examination to en ter college at the age of nine. She has written nine books; converses in eight languages; sews, cooks, plays several musical instruments and is expert in many outdoor sports. NOT FEELING WELL? TRY THESE Don't you feel quite up to par? Try medicinal food for a few days. If you are nervous or have a ten dency to rheumatism or neuralgia, partake of raw or creamed celery every day for a week. If your kidneys need a tonic eat spinach once each day for 10 days. If you are billious and have those annoying "black spots before your eyes," eat tomatoes twice a day for 10 days. Do you wonder what will taste She is the product of Mrs. Stoner's good today?" or you feel "you do not system of Natural Education. i care for a thing to eat," begin at How these principles of education once on a beet diet eat them once a which made Winifred a child of day for 10 days they are a fine tonic amazing talents can be applied in for the appetite, training all children will be told by Lettuce and cucumbers have a Mrs. Stoner in The Day Book series. They will appear from day to day. The first one appears tomorrow. o o CABBAGE SALAD WITH APPLE Slice crisp cabbage and mash a lit tle with mallet or potato masher; cover cabbage with ice cold water or chipped ice and allow to stand for two hours before serving. When ready to serve drain the cabbage and turn onto a towel and dry perfectly dry. Put layer of cabbage in salad bowl, then grate on a coarse grater a layer of raw, tart apple; add sec ond layer of cabbage, then apple, un til required amount; have top layer of cabbage. Turn French dressing all over top of the salad. Do not stir until served. Delicious with roast pork. cooling effect upon the system. Onions, garlic, leeks and chives, stimulate the circulatory system and consequently increase the saliva and gastric juices. This aids digestion. Raw onions, especially the white ones, are recommended for insomnia. o o FURS SEEM TO BE IN FASHION The muff pockets are no longer novelties. They are not as foolish as they sound. The ankle muffs also ran in fash ion's popularity race. The little bands of furs snuggling round my lady's ankles are no longer fads, they are fashion. o o Try dry hot flannel pads for neu ralgia. Renew often. Do not allow to become cooL COMMERCIALIZING OUTDOOR LIFE BRINGS SHEKELS ROLLING TO THIS STAR'S DOOR Long Beach, Cal., Nov. 5. Jackie Saunders, pet of the Balboa Film company here, is reputed to be the most fearless outdoor girl in the Sims. Her wardrobe is stocked with rid ing habits, hiking clothes,, "gym" suits, fishing apparel and auto togs. She'd rather catch a big string of fish than sit at a formal dinner. And she'd sooner pass the fastest racer on the speed track here than wear dia monds. It's just natural for her to love the free open air life. Miss Saunders dives and rides and rows and plays golf as if to the man ner born. She spends the greater part of her leisure in some sort of