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The day book. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1911-1917, December 01, 1915, LAST EDITION, Image 10

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045487/1915-12-01/ed-1/seq-10/

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Eddie Pitts, Denver fight promoter,
deservedly peeved, is about ready to
leave for home, having accomplished
nothing in six days toward matching
Lightweight Champion Freddie
Welsh and Charlie White for a twenty-round
"battle in the mile-high city.
Pitts was on the level. He had a
bonafide offer of $12,500 for Welsh
and carried a certified check of
$5,000 in real money to bind the
match. And for his trouble he was
given the dizzy whirl, put off first by
one manager and then the other.
Since Pitts bobbed up with a le
gitimate offer there have been sev
eral better ones on paper which
the fight managers say must have
consideration. It is strange that none
of these wealthy offers were heard
of until the coming -of Pitts.
Tia Juana, Mexico, is said to be
after the fight, with Jimmy Coffroth
forming a syndicate to handle it
This comes from Pollok, who re
ceived a telegram from the Mexican
wing. Just how hard it would be to
stage a fight in Mexico can be real
ized when the difficulties attending
the Johnson-Willard preliminaries
are remembered.
And matters are even more in a
jam down there now. Villa and
Carranza are having a battle of their
own and the promoters would never
know when they were safe from in
terference. By not accepting the Denver
match Welsli shows very plainly that
he does not hunger for a meeting
with White or any other good fight
weight over the 20-round distance
at Denver or any other city.
Once more in ring togs was
enough for Jimmy Kilroy, the North
Side fight manager and ring veteran.
Jimmy fought Otto Sieloff ten rounds
to a draw and then decided he had
enough. If lie could not put out an
old-timer like Sieloff, Jimmy figured
he would have little chance with the
-ounger and tougher men of the
game. If there were a few more
fighters as wise as Jimmy the game
would be better.
Kilroy has three good fighters in
his stable, K. O. Banner, Young Her
man and Abe the Newsboy. Banner
is the best of the three and Jimmy
wants to match him with the win
ner of the Phil Harrison-O'Keefe
bout. Banner has also been offered
fights before a New Orleans club, but
Jimmy prefers to stick around homg
for a time.
Jimmy is different from many fight
managers in that he talks cold tur
key from the outset and does not cry!
wildly in stage money figures. He?
can be reached at 1208 Wrightwood
av., Lincoln 8542.
Noble efforts are being made to
get the winter league dope pot boil
ing, but a few simmers are the best
that have shown so far. Clark Grif
fith of Washington bids for a bit of
publicity with a plan, to value all
American league players at the same
figure when sales are to be made.
His kicks are based on the activities
of Connie Mack last season.
Griffs idea is about the silliest that
has hopped up for some time. Imagr
me me nowi me om iox wouia maxe
if hft trpx tn rHsnnsfi of Walter John-'
son and had him valued the same as
Ray Morgan, Washington's second'
baseman. Like a good many baseball
dreams, this is a good one so long as
no effort is made to carry it out.
Red Jackson, right tackle, has
been elected captain of the 191ff Uni
versity of Chicago football team.
De Paul academy football team, 14
strong, started east at noon today
to meet the Beverly high school
eleven in Boston Saturday. Several
students may make the trip on a
later train. Coach Paupau decided
that only three substitutes were nec
essary, causing disappointment
among the other candidates. $
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