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Newspaper Page Text
--' wr.j THE DAY BOOK SSSSffiSSSSSSSSKSSffiSESS N. D. COCHRAN EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. 000 SO. PEORIA ST. CHICAGO, ILL T ;...,. Editorial, Monroe 333 lelepflOneS Circulation. Monroe 3S2fl SUBSCKIPTION By Carrier In Chicago, 30 centi a Month. By Mall. United States and Canada, $3.00 a Year. Entered as second-class matter April 21, 1914. at the postofflce at Chicago. 111., under the Act of March 3, 1879. L LOCAL PRIDE AND LOCAL FACTS. Star differs from star in glory and each part of the U. S. A. has its -own peculiar merits. Expe rience teaches us that ia mentioning localities it is safest to stick to the merits. This makes pleasure rather than progress. We all believe in bet- Iterment, in making things more nearly right as the years go by why is is then that the publication of un pleasant facts as to a city is so in flaming to the inhabitants thereof even when praise is added? Why don't people get sore at the things that are wrong and wipe them out? Righteous indignation is concerned with the existence of evil. For ex ample; Mr. P. S. Garrison, who is su perintendent of the burglary and plate glass insurance department of the Travelers' Indemnity Co., tells the Casualty and Statistical Society of America in the course of a purely technical address that: "It is well known that burglaries occur more freauently in some cit- A ies than in others. The highest res W idence rates are for risks located in m vjuiudgu uiiu duu riaiiuiouu. ii was found some years ago that loss ratio on residence business in those cities was so high that it was impossible to make a fair profit on the business." Suppose we had made that state ment in an article or editorial; would the embattled editors of Chicago and with constructive suggestions for bettering police protection in their cities, or would they have landed on us with whatever was handy? You know the answer. And yet facts are facts, even in the proudest cities, and it is men's business to better them. Collier's Weekly. SHORT ONES The Turks are all total abstainers. There's a reason. Imagine a fellow coming home at 2 in the morning with a hundred wives waiting for him just inside the door. A Chicago Pullman porter has in herited $10,000 but what's ten thou sand to the average Pullman porter! The wages of sin are seldom enough to pay the bills. What you know there's no use ar guing about Creed is the barrier between need and feed. SNIFF-SNIFF! "Disease," said our family doctor, who had been invited to supper, "al ways attacks the weakest spot in a person's body." "Pa," interrupted my youngest son, "you certainly have a fearful cold in your head." Hudson. o o THE LATEST FoRP JoKE 3i JWETHATk ( l-i FUNNY r ' San Francisco have come forward 1 rmm tjLiAmimh