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!MW!,wi U tyn.ii .i,i.v.wJ,p,7t-'-. .: . y r h -"YTfV ' " -MPW t-M try a week at wiping out debts. Many are in arrears in paying frater nal order dues, which means the loss of life insurance should sudden death occur. The widow and or phans would find it out too late. Let us pick out a week in the near future and call it Pay-Up Week. Buttons could be worn and the words Pay-Up printed on them. D. A. K. INITIATIVE, REFERENDUM AND RECALL. All modern business, from the smallest and most simple to the highest and most complex pri vate corporation throughout the en tire commercial world, is today gov erned upon a basis of the initiative, the referendum and the recall. The value of these essential fun damental principles cannot be too strongly emphasized. In trade and commerce they are in vogue in every state in the union and in every nation the world over. They are prevalent in all partner ships, in all stock companies and in all private corporate bodies. They are exercised sometimes directly by the owners, but more often diatribe uted or delegated to responsible rep resentatives in the capacity of a board of directors, managers, super intendents, foreman, etc. No private business could be con ducted to the best interest of its stockholders were they compelled to employ their agents for a specific number of years without the power to dismiss them whenever more hon est and better qualified men could be had. The keen edge grinder of competi tion has made these indispensable requiBjtes paramount to the proper management of all industries. With out them there could be no respon sibility, without them no discipline and no frugality. Business could not thrive, corruption would follow and commercialism would soon become but a platitude. In summing up our own corpor ate bodies, be it the municipality, the , state or the federal government, we see the faint outlines of direct legis lation, so diffused, cumbrous and unworkable, with scarcely a niche or cranny in jurisprudence that would not afford a subterfuge for the pro tection of our dishonest and corrupt public servants. Then reverting to the privately-owned bodies we see every available safeguard, I dare say about 90 per cent of all enacted leg islation circumscribing and protect ing private property. If private property rights are nur tured with bo great a per cent of law, thus protecting private Interests, where does patriotism come in? What have we done for the protec tion of our own interests in this great commonwealth? Can it be that the constituents, the common people of this republic, are bo grossly ignorant that they cannot comprehend the true value of direct legislation through the initiative, the referen dum and the recall; that they cannot govern their own corporate bodies; that they allow a few parasitic drones to manipulate the industries and the government, not for the gen eral welfare of the community, but for private profit at the expense of the mass of people, thus depriving them of their inalienable rights, the right of life and liberty In the pursuit of happiness? If we expect to be a progressive people we shall have to put our gov ernments upon a business-like basis, exacting responsibility from our pub lic servants just as, we do in our pri vate businesses. As regarding the financial basis for this future government, let us begin now by laying the foundation stones first by taking over the Automatic telephone, the surface and elevated lines, the railroads, telegraph, mines, etc., and then all the profits which now go to private coffers will swell our treasury, enable our government to pay better wages and lessen the burdens of taxation. Be sure to ex act responsibility from your servants AilMAiMiMMiiiiMiMiii