their thought on the fender question to Mayor Thompson and his chief of , police, C. C. Healey, and they gave both of them a "piece of their mind." They told Thompson and Healey that it was their buslnes to test out the fender law, to give it a chance and not to kill it just because a cor poration counsel, appointed by the mayor, said the law was no good. They reminded Thompson that' if the Marshall Field & Co. truck which killed Miss Goggin had been pro tected she would have been recover ing today. The driver, police and. fender experts admitted that. The women told him that his busi ness was to enforce the laws passed by the city council and let courts overrule them if they are wrong. These women, the fourth club of ladies that has endorsed fenders, ask ed Healey to give the fender law a chance. They are out on the strets daily and know of the auto truck danger. , The idea behind their protest was: "Enforce the fender law and if Big Biz is sore at you we'll, stand behind you." B. L. T. of the Chicago Tribune says that type metal is cheap and white paper is still procurable, but evidently the type the trust press and the paper of the loop sheets is too valuable for space for the thought expressed by the Women's Civil league. Their resolution, in full, reads: "Whereas, A board of engineers, consisting of CoL Henry A. Allen, Claude E. Pitch and Hugh Borland, civil service employes, has gone on record as stating that the proper use of safety devices examined by them, under the provisions of the ordinance of June 23, 1913, would reduce the fatal accidents due to unprotected . auto trucks to 2, per cent and would reduce the serious injuries from the same cause to 25 per cent; and "Whereas, It is with deepest re gret that we learn of the many fetal . 1 accidents occurring daily in our city, due to the non-enforcement of tne so-called fender ordinance, passed June 23, 1913; and "Whereas, It is with profound sor row and regret that we learn of the death of our co-worker and friend, Catherine Goggin, whose life was suddenly crushed out on Jan. 4, 1916, by an automobile truck; and "Whereas, The coroner's jury in its report of Jan. 5 and 6 recom mended that the city council take immediate steps tending toward the enforcement of the safety measure; and "Whereas, We a reconstrained to believe that had the ill-fated truck responsible for the death of our de parted friend been equipped with a safety device she would still be with us; so therefore be it "Resolved, That we do hereby pro test against the non-enforcement of this ordinance and that we demand immediate action on the part of the authorities intrusted with the en forcement of said ordinance until such time as the courts pass on the validity of said ordinance, and that a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of the Central Council of Civic Leagues and copies thereof be sent to the mayor of Chi cago and to the City Press." o o ORGANIZE SPEAKERS ASS'N Fifteen public speakers gathered last night an,d organized the Nation al and Protective Union of Public Speakers. The object is to promote radicalism and the dissemination of all subjects of public importance. Permanent headquarters will soon be opened in conjunction with which W there will be a library, billiard tables and other conveniences for edifica tion and pleasure. The "first meeting will be held tomorrow, 1 p. m., at temporary headquarters, 7 Congress, for permanent election of officers. At last night's meeting The Day Book was endorsed as the only fair publication in Chicago.