OCR Interpretation

The day book. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1911-1917, January 24, 1916, NOON EDITION, Image 20

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045487/1916-01-24/ed-1/seq-20/

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That careless throw, landing a
missile among the dynamite stores,
had settled the fate of the disturbing
explosive. The fearful detonation
brought John rushing back, a crowd
following him in the Wildest excite
ment. "Fired it a-purpose?" panted the
town constable, keeping up with him.
"Oh, no, and I can't imagine how
the dynamite came to explode," re
plied John. '
"Well, it's the last of your rain
making experiment, hey?" submitted
the official.
They passed the two tramps, rush
ing away in vivid affright. They
neared the shek-
"Hi! Look there," and here I
say!" shouted the constable. "Rain
why there's been a "golden rain
John shared his amazement and
halted and stared about them. Near
by were the blasted remains of a
small iron keg and the ground and
paths were spangled with glittering
gold pieces.
The hidden store of the "miser's
gold" had come to light at last Se
creted in or near the old shed, it had
gone aloft with the explosion to come
down in an opulent shower.
They gathered it up and John took
it over to Adria's home.
"Keep it till we get married next
week," he directed, with a happy
(Copyright by W. G. Chapman.)
o o
Miss Lita Belle Hibben, recently
appointed deputy district attorney in
Los Angeles, is one of the few wom
en prosecutors in the United States.
In her first case she appeared before
Superior Judge Craig of Los An
geles to prosecute the father of 12
children who thought he had done
his duty when he supported seven
of them, leaving the other five in
want. The pew Portia succeeded in
having the man bound over for trial
Miss Hibben's position is peculiar
m that she has not come into the
district attorney's office as a special
ist in women's cases, but to do a
man's work, as the other deputies
do, just as it comes to her from the
district attorney's desk. For two
years and a half Miss Hibben has
Miss L. B. Hibben
been in general practice. Previous
to that time she was a teacher in
the law department of Southern
California university.
o o
Sir Our German butcher lost a
pig recently. In his advertisement
he said its "only earmark was a tail
hich had been lost," John,, -
iif W mi-- '-nmk1M

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