n run away frightened the most beau tiful one, she who had partly disrob ed, drops a filmy garment of silk be hind her. The faun siezes the silken garment, presses it to his lips, dances and then lies down again to sleep with his face buried in the robe at this stage the audience at the first performance sat up aghast while exclamation points B twinkled before their eyes. Leonide Massine, premier male dancer with the Serge de Diaghileff Ballet Russe, plays the role of the faun. LINES FROM A DUB Why can't I skate, ah, me, Over the ice afar, Less horizontally, More perpendicular? When with my skates I .frame Figures of eight, etcet, . Do I get wild acclaim? No, all I get is wet! When o'er the frigid lakes Free as a bird I roam, Every one present makes Offers to help me home! Hark to you kindly girl: "Arnica quick he'll die!" Hark! ambulances whirl! Wherefore again I sigh: "Why can't I skate, ah me, Like any skating star, Less horizontally, More perpendicular?" Thomas R. Ybarra in N.'Y. Times. o o SMART LITTLE VEST GIVES THIS GOWN AN AIR! By Betty Brown Si In your fashion scrap book give this frock a prominent place a place where it will catch your eye when you are planning your early spring gown, for you'll probably not find an other that combines so many charm ing features as this "creation" in Panama cloth and Roman striped silk. Any of the light materials serge, silk, linen or Panama cloth lend themselves admirably to this design, though Mme. Reichert of the Fashion Art League of America, who originat ed this Eton model, used Panama cloth in the natural color and a vivid JTT Mjfe1 " striped silk to make the vest and cuffs and collar. It's really the gaudy little vest that gives the suit its distinction and don't omit the bag, it's quite the most artistic touch in the entire outfit. o o A motor road has been built in Bo livia that crosses the Andes 17,000 feet above sea leve?