ft ACTING WITHOUT WORDSPANTOMIME ART Y&MmBmkmMm witzei photo. "No part of the physical make-up is more necessary in pantomimic ex pression than the eyes. Countless shades of thought find expression through them. They mirror what is behind them in the brain. You think fear, confidence and other emotions to register them with the eyes." Miss Saunders. The upper picture shows the eyes in an expression of terror; the one at right expresses fear. At left, sup rise is shown. BY JACKIE SAUNDERS, r Famous Balboa Star. No part of the physical make-up is more necessary in pantomimic ex pression than the eyes. They always play a prominent part in telling any story, whether it be- between two persons or in the presence of a crowd But nowhere are the eyes more eloquent than on the screen. Watch for them in a "close-up." If the actor has telling eyes he can compel you sympathy, distrust or any other emo tion. Picture-eyes constitute ajjartlcth 0